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General FAQs, Member FAQs

To find events that allow commercial items, try ALL of these.

  • In "Pro Search" select "commercial/retail" for "what booths are allowed" in the Exhibitors section (but keep the default settings for all other options like "juried" or "entertainment." It is OK to add the zip code radius option.)
  • Next try "corp./information" for "what booths are allowed" and again keep the default settings for all other related options.
  • Then try "craft" for "what booths are allowed" and select "non juried" and keep all other default settings. These events will sometimes allow commercial vendors.
  • Also try selecting "non juried" while keeping the default settings for all other related options, including "no preference" for "what booths are allowed."
  • Try putting the word "commercial" in the key word search. Keep in mind, a key word search looks for that word if it appears anywhere in the event information (i.e. event name, location, description, what is allowed...).
It is always better to select FEWER search options to improve your search results.

Don't rule out an event unless it is clearly 100% juried and/or 100% fine art and/or fine craft, check with each event to know for sure. Many events say art/craft, but allow some "commercial" items. Always check with an event to verify what they DO or DO NOT allow. It never hurts to ask!

Tags: commercial, event, festival, items, listing, products, resale, resaler, resell, reseller, retail, retailer

Member FAQs

In your Modify Profile area, you will need to select your Handmade Products designation. After speaking with promoters who allow different levels of handmade products at their events, we developed a percentage scale for you to best represent your items. Please be sure you represent your products correctly.

While commercial and retail items will always be welcome on FestivalNet, it's important not to classify your items as handmade if they are not.

If you've made any part of your product yourself, it is considered handmade. If you've purchased a product from another vendor with the intention of reselling it, it is not considered handmade, even if that person made the item themselves. Handmade items must be something that you made.

If you are not sure about your classification, we can not decide this percentage for you; speak to promoters who allow some percentage of handmade items for feedback.

Tags: commercial, designation, handcraft, handcrafted, handmade, handmadedesignation, items, modify, products, profile, resale, reseller, retail

Seller questions - Also, view our Seller Tips page.

You may upload 5 images per item. File types supported are jpg, jpeg, gif, & png. Please do not upload small thumbnail sized images! They will appear blurry when they are resized to fit the available space.

The recommended image shape is square if you want to avoid your image being cropped or changed in an odd way, when shown with the item, keep your image somewhere between 360 to 800 pixels wide. Our suggested minimum width is 360 pixels. Keep in mind images wider than 800 pixels will be resized.

The limit for all photos included with an item's listing is 100 MiB (104.86 MB), and the maximum size of a single image file is 75 MiB (78.64 MB).

Tags: image, marketplace, MB, MiB, photo, photograph, photos, product, products, sale, sell, seller, sellers, shop, thumbnail