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Prayzefest Gospel Network, Atlanta, GA

Member Since: June 26, 2020
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Atlanta, Georgia
The Prayzefest Gospel Network (home of The Prayze Factor Awards, Tri-Satt Sounds Music Group, Triune Records, WPGN Radio Atlanta, PGN TV powered, The International Music Association T.I.M.A. and the #IAM Gospel Inspired Artists Movement Tour) gives inspired artists a global voice along with resources to help take their craft to it's next level.
Show Promoter/Producer, Association/Organization, Entertainment Services
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Global Promotions for Music and Creatives - Prayze Factor Awards, Indie Music, Prayzefest
Badges highlight FestivalNet members who are true Pros in the festival & events industry.
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