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Get the website of your dreams 🚀💻💸

posted June 26, 2024   category » Small Business Resources
Get the website of your dreams  🚀💻💸

If you still need a website, keep reading! We have connected with an incredible company called UENI that helps small businesses like yours create a website - extremely affordably and way too easy, with a money back guarantee! We have partnered with them to offer FestivalNet members a crazy deep discount. Get the website of your dreams built for you for just $149.... worth over $1500, with everything you need to succeed. No tech, design, or SEO skills needed.

🎃Find the Perfect Autumn Art Fair on FestivalNet

posted June 17, 2024   category » Event Highlights
🎃Find the Perfect Autumn Art Fair on FestivalNet

Autumn art fairs provide a vibrant platform for artists and crafters to showcase their talent and for art enthusiasts to immerse themselves in the creative spirit of the season. is an invaluable resource for finding the perfect autumn art fair, offering comprehensive listings and detailed information to help artists and event-goers alike. Whether you are an artist looking to apply to a fair or a visitor eager to explore unique creations, FestivalNet makes the search efficient. In this blog, we will spotlight three fantastic featured fall festivals!

Tips for Enjoying Summer Festivals Alone in 2024

posted June 10, 2024   category » Inspiration
Tips for Enjoying Summer Festivals Alone in 2024

As summer rolls in, the thrill of festivals—bursting with music, art, and culture—beckons everyone, even those venturing out solo. In 2024, embracing the adventure alone crafts a story of personal freedom and offers an enriching pathway to self-discovery and independence. This blog post will serve as your guide to enjoying summer festivals alone, ensuring you maximize every moment. From selecting the right festival to capturing unforgettable memories, these tips aim to empower and inspire solo attendees to transform any festival experience into a personal celebration of self-expression and joy.

Use Social Media to Grow Your Fan Base

posted June 3, 2024   category » Small Business Resources
Use Social Media to Grow Your Fan Base

As an artist or creator, it's essential to have a robust online presence in today's digital age. Social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, & Facebook provide an excellent way to connect with your fans, share your content, and build your audience. In this blog post, we'll explore strategies for using social media to advance your fan base and take your career to the next level.

The first step in using social media to advance your fan base is to determine which platforms best fit you and your content. While platforms like Facebook and Instagram are popular among artists, consider niche platforms like TikTok, Reddit, or X, formerly known as Twitter, if they align with your target audience.

Top Ten Tips for Running a Food Stand at a Festival

posted May 29, 2024   category » Festival Food Vendors
Top Ten Tips for Running a Food Stand at a Festival

Running a food stand at a festival can be an exciting venture that allows you to showcase your culinary skills and create a memorable dining experience for festival-goers. However, with numerous food vendors competing for attention, it's essential to stand out and maximize your sales. In this blog post, we'll provide you with our top ten tips for running a food stand at a festival, with a focus on increasing sales and achieving success.

Plan your menu carefully

Crafting a well-thought-out menu is crucial to attracting customers and maximizing sales. Consider offering a diverse range of items that cater to different dietary preferences and restrictions. In addition to your signature dishes, incorporate vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free options to accommodate various tastes. Unique twists on classic festival foods can also give your stand an edge, such as specialty sauces or unexpected flavor combinations.

Excellent Tips for Driving Event Attendance with Email Marketing

posted May 21, 2024   category » Event Promoter Tips
Excellent Tips for Driving Event Attendance with Email Marketing

For event marketers looking to email to get the word out on their event, the question then becomes: How do you stand out?

1. Make your email look great on mobile

It's a mobile world. Given the love affair with all-things-mobile, it's not surprising to learn that more people rely on their phones for everything from checking their email to RSVPing to an event.

🎨 Upcoming June Deadlines from Pacific Fine Arts Festivals

posted May 13, 2024   category » Event Highlights

June 2024 Application
Deadline Approaching*

San Carlos Art & Wine Faire

Fine Arts & Fine Crafts
DEADLINE: June 3, 2024
October 12 & 13, 2024
Laurel St. & San Carlos Ave.
San Carlos, CA
More Info:

Half Moon Bay Art & Pumpkin Festival

Arts & Crafts
DEADLINE: June 3, 2024
October 19 & 20, 2024
Historic Main Street
Downtown Half Moon Bay, CA

More Info:

Why venues aren't returning your emails

posted May 7, 2024   category » Musician Tips
Why venues aren't returning your emails

The frustration of your communications being ignored and going unanswered is enough to make some musicians throw in the towel immediately. But there are perfectly legitimate reasons why venues both local and national either simply can't or choose not to reply to every band that reaches out to them (and there's probably a lot of them).

A talent buyer's motivation for not giving one particular email the time of day could depend on a variety of factors — so making an effort to put yourself in their shoes could make the difference in whether you end up getting through. So if you're wondering why venues just don't return your emails, here are just a few common reasons.

Unreadable and uninformative messages

When you contact venues about a show, what you write and how you write it both matter. Nothing says "waste of time" more than an unsolicited email rife with spelling and grammar errors because if you can't be bothered to care about spelling, it sends the message that you don't care about your art, either.

Choosing the Right Payment Gateways for Your Business

posted April 30, 2024   category » Small Business Resources
Choosing the Right Payment Gateways for Your Business

Choosing the right payment gateways for your small business is crucial for seamless financial transactions and customer satisfaction. This guide explores the essential criteria to consider, including cost efficiency, security standards, and integration capabilities. It provides insights to ensure your payment gateway aligns perfectly with your business needs and enhances your operational workflow.

For mobile transactions at festivals and fairs, it's often necessary to rely on your cellular data, mobile hot spot, local wifi, or other means of connection. These are important things to consider when choosing your payment gateway.

Understanding Payment Gateways

Payment gateways are essential tools in the digital commerce space. They act as intermediaries that securely transmit critical information between websites or merchant interfaces and the banks processing the transactions. They also come in various forms:

•  Hosted gateways redirect customers to the gateway's platform for payment processing.
•  Integrated solutions process payments seamlessly within the merchant's website.
•  Direct post methods
send transaction details directly from the customer to the gateway, minimizing the merchant’s handling of sensitive data.

Lessons From the Past and Present: A Clean and Green Festival Reigns Supreme in 2024

posted April 23, 2024
Lessons From the Past and Present: A Clean and Green Festival Reigns Supreme in 2024

Major festivals in the United States — such as Coachella, Stagecoach, and Desert Trip generate around 100 tons of solid waste each festival day. While the placement of trash cans and recycling bins are a great start in encouraging a clean venue, the sanitation and hygiene of a large event extends well beyond simple waste disposal solutions. For outdoor festivals, a clean venue is imperative to a hygienic and enjoyable event, with events of both the past and present providing insight into how today's festivals can provide a clean and enjoyable experience for all in attendance.

 Failed festivals highlight today's improvements

 Music festivals of the past that have showcased the value of hygienic practices — Woodstock '99 serves as just one classic example. The festival aimed to mimic the original 1969 Woodstock festival, however, it was overtaken by a number of challenges that included the environmental conditions, overpriced food and water, violence, and poor sanitation. In addition to an insufficient number of toilets and trash cans, sanitation workers that failed to appear only added to the challenges that left the festival with a less than desirable memory that highlights the necessity of a hygienic venue. 

Food Cart? Concession Stand? Trailer!? Oh My!

posted April 16, 2024   category » Festival Food Vendors
Food Cart? Concession Stand? Trailer!? Oh My!

Starting a food concession business can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to deciding where to begin. Start with researching and understanding the different types of events at which you plan to operate. This is important because different concessions are better suited for different types of events. We always recommend attending many events and environments with mobile food operators are set up to do your own reconnaissance before making purchases and planning menus! 

Spice up your Craft Show Booth

posted April 9, 2024   category » Craft Fair Vendor Resources
Spice up your Craft Show Booth

Craft fairs are a great place to showcase an incredible amount of your fine crafts. Once you get people into your craft show booth, whether you make a sale or not will depend largely on the experience you offer your customer. By setting a vibe, activating senses, or offering helpful displays, you can motivate and move a shopper towards making a purchase. If this is a new to you, visit art and craft festivals and observe sellers, their booths, and the shopper-flow and traffic. Be curious about what booths seem to attract shoppers who might appear captivated and eager to buy.

While it's ideal to be very original and do your own thing, getting inspiration from others is a natural outcome of the human experience! While some items might appear to 'sell themselves', other booths might rely heavily on display, marketing, and good ideas to lure in shoppers.

Fest Food Businesses: Creating Logo Designs Which Aren’t Boring

posted April 1, 2024   category » Festival Food Vendors
Fest Food Businesses: Creating Logo Designs Which Aren’t Boring

There are various tools and options available which make the process of creating your logo easier and more affordable than ever. Now you can get a stunning logo which you can be proud of, without breaking the bank. It’s not unheard of for a marketing agency to charge up to $25,000 for a logo design. But, it’s possible to get something which meets your needs as a small business owner, for much less.

Let's begin with  a few basic elements of logo design:

  • The Food: Most food businesses have a small and focused menu like grilled cheese sandwiches or hot dogs. If you have a clear food identity like this, ask the designer to integrate the food type into the logo. This will make it clear to prospective customers what you’re offering. 

Adapting Your Inventory and Marketing for Different Seasons

posted March 21, 2024   category » Small Business Resources
Adapting Your Inventory and Marketing for Different Seasons

In the ever-changing retail and e-commerce landscape, adapting your inventory and marketing for different seasons is essential for staying ahead, even at festivals and craft shows! Each season brings its unique set of demands. So, you need to understand how to adjust your inventory levels and marketing strategies accordingly, as it can significantly impact your bottom line. This guide provides practical tips and insights on optimizing your approach throughout the year, ensuring that you’re always ready to meet your customers' seasonal needs.

Cool Things To Do At The Best Film Festivals In The World

posted March 15, 2024   category » Event Highlights
Cool Things To Do At The Best Film Festivals In The World

Film festivals are among some of the most popular events in the world as they showcase the best movies from narrative, avant-garde, and documentary filmmakers. It's also where you can watch stellar performances from seasoned actors and newcomers in the global movie industry. Though some may view these events as mere opportunities to get a glimpse of famous stars posing on the red carpet, film fests are actually crucial to the industry as they serve as platforms for learning and networking. Moreover, they give new talents the chance to have a turn in the spotlight. 

The Impact of High-Quality Images when Applying to Art Shows

posted March 8, 2024   category » Artist Resources
The Impact of High-Quality Images when Applying to Art Shows

Having high-quality images is crucial for achieving professional success, especially in the art world. Excellent photographic images can greatly influence acceptance in exhibitions, so make it a priority to get the right shots of your hard work before applying for shows!

Importance of Professional Photography

Hiring a professional photographer offers numerous benefits in capturing top-notch images. These visuals play a pivotal role in grabbing attention and generating publicity, making them invaluable for artists seeking recognition. It's an investment in your success as an artist!  If you can't afford a pro, research ways to DIY your own light box or work with student photographers!

How to Make Money at Craft Fairs in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

posted March 1, 2024   category » Craft Fair Vendor Resources
How to Make Money at Craft Fairs in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

Craft fairs are not just a hub of creativity and culture; they are also a fantastic opportunity for artisans and entrepreneurs to turn their passion into profit. With the right approach, you can make your craft fair experience not only enjoyable but also financially rewarding. In this article, we will guide you through the essential steps to make money at craft fairs, drawing from the extensive experience of, a leading resource in fair and festival information.

Understanding Your Market

Before diving into the world of craft fairs, it's crucial to understand your target market. Research the demographics of the fair attendees and tailor your products to meet their preferences. Are they looking for unique, handmade items, or are they more inclined towards practical, everyday goods? Knowing your audience is the first step to sales success. Ask the event organizers about their show's demographics; they should have this information available!

Your Ultimate Guide To Travel Festival Safety

posted February 23, 2024   category » Inspiration
Your Ultimate Guide To Travel Festival Safety

By prioritizing safety on the journey to your next festival, you can prevent potential travel disruptions, minimize the risk of accidents or delays, and navigate unexpected challenges with ease, allowing you to fully embrace the festival experience without any setbacks. So, whether you're driving or flying, prioritizing safety ensures that your journey to the festival is smooth and worry-free, allowing you to focus on the excitement and anticipation of the event rather than worrying about unforeseen obstacles along the way. With safety as your guide, you can embark on your festival adventure with confidence and peace of mind.


Sponsored Call for Artists: March Deadlines from Pacific Fine Arts Festivals

posted February 13, 2024   category » Event Highlights

Los Altos Arts & Wine Festival

Fine Arts & Fine Crafts
July 13 & 14, 2024
Main & State Streets, Los Altos Village
Los Altos, CA

Palo Alto Festival of the Arts

Fine Arts & Fine Crafts
August 24 & 25, 2024
University Ave between High and Webster Streets, Palo Alto, CA

* March 11th is the second of our event applications' deadlines. We do accept applications after deadlines for waiting list consideration. Note: late applications are considered after the selection process has occurred and event participants are chosen. If your work is a good fit for your requested event and space remains available in your medium, your work will be accepted, otherwise, it will be considered for the waiting list.

Why ID Tags Can Enhance the Festival Experience

posted February 5, 2024   category » Event Promoter Tips
Why ID Tags Can Enhance the Festival Experience

When it comes to events, arguably the most groundbreaking technology over the past few years has been that of the RFID tag or bracelet. At festivals and other big events, bracelets were once used simply to indicate that customers had paid their ticket and had therefore garnered access to the event. Today, however, high-tech tags and events are serving a host of additional purposes. To understand why high-tech tags are upping the festival experience for organizers and attendees alike, read on.