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General FAQs, Member FAQs

What is an EPK? How do I send mine?

An Electronic Press Kit, or "EPK" is a collection of materials used to promote your business, whether you are an artist, musician, craftperson, band, food vendor, other exhibitor or company. Your FestivalNet profile serves as your EPK. Complete your profile by adding bio, photos, music, videos, calendar and blog. The more complete your EPK, the more a promoter can conveniently learn all about you from one easy link.

In the Pro search full show details page, next to the promoter's email address you will notice this link, "Get Booked." Click there and select your choice under "Contact this event about applying" to generate an email from you to the event promoter with a link to your FN profile/EPK.

Use this link to quickly contact festivals you are interested in applying for. Before you use this tool, be sure your FestivalNet profile is complete. From the My Account area, you can modify your profile page (includes your bio), add photos, songs, videos, blog, and calendar.

This functionality needs to work with your default email program on your computer/browser, which you need to have set up first. You will have the chance to add more text to the email containing your EPK before sending the email.

Tags: booked, electronic, electronicpresskit, email, epk, gallery, images, kit, media, music, press, profile, promoter, promoters, send, sendepk, songs, video

Member FAQs, Festival/Promoters FAQs

About 'My Account'; 'Your Profile'; 'Your Site', 'Account Details', 'Manage my Subscription', and 'Payment Options.'

My Account is your control center. Access all member features from your My Account area. From here you can modify your profile & account details, manage your e-lists and access Pro search to find events.

Your Profile is your business page on FestivalNet for others to learn about what you do! (Having a profile is optional, you can choose to not display yours and/or opt out of the directory in your 'Modify Profile' area.) Also termed "EPK" (Electronic Press Kit), your profile is where you talk about your business; your bio, member categories, medium/materials, profile picture, and more. From Modify Profile you can change this information that is displayed on your site.

Your Site is the combination of Your Profile, Blogs, Gallery, Calendar, & Video.

Account Details contains all information about your FestivalNet account, including name, address, phone, & contacts.

Go to "manage my subscription" to manage your pro membership renewal and pick a shop plan.

Manage your payment method here.

Tags: account, auto, autorenew, cancel, card, change, credit, email, EPK, manage, myaccount, payment, profile, renew, renewal, site, subscription, update