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Business Efficiency

posted May 22, 2019   category » Small Business Resources

Be Business-Efficient
Sandy Hammer for Catersource

The key to freeing up more time is simply to get through your to-do list faster. Easier said than done, right? Stay with me, though, and we’ll look at some of the biggest efficiency hindrances, as well as best practices for overcoming them and finding more time in your day.

image via William Iven


Ah, the dreaded inbox. While necessary for communication with colleagues, clients, and prospects, it can easily become a black hole that sucks up hours of time. Soon enough, it’s time to go home and you’re wondering where the day went. Sound familiar? Well, it’s time to take your inbox back!

I like to look over all of my emails that I received overnight, first thing in the morning. At this time, I respond to emails to the best of my abilities and work to tackle the emails which have pending answers. I make it a point to answer my emails daily, but I also allow specific time periods for it. This allows me to fully focus on the task at hand throughout the workday.

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Online Essentials

posted May 21, 2019

11 Essential Online Music Marketing Tools
Lisa Occhino for bandzoogle

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If you’re just starting to dip your toes into the world of online music marketing, the number of platforms at your disposal can be overwhelming. Fortunately, many of them are free (or very affordable), so there’s little risk with trying them out.

image via frankie cordoba

Mailing list

For the average artist, the mailing list is that thing you put in the back of the room on your semi-professional-looking merch table. You don’t encourage people to sign up, and your average fan doesn’t even know you have one. What’s worse is that you rarely use it, and you probably send out one newsletter update every four months or so.

That’s a big mistake, because your mailing list is the single most important marketing tool you have. Social media is great and all, but no one can keep track of everything in their feeds. And certain platforms (like Facebook) have made it increasingly difficult to get your content seen unless you pay for advertising.

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How to Make More Sales

posted May 15, 2019

Art Fair Show Tips: How to Make More Sales
Carolyn Edlund for Artsy Shark

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Make a personal appearance and be accessible.

It’s amazing how many times exhibitors are simply not in their booths during festival hours. At times this may be unavoidable, but often artists have a level of discomfort and stress that finds them socializing elsewhere, or they subconsciously avoid dealing with the public.

image via @squareinc

It can be stressful to work a show, promoting your art or handmade work and trying to close sales – no doubt about that. But you cannot sell anything if you aren’t physically present to do so. If you’ve shied away from this before or feel anxiety about exhibiting, resolve to be present in your booth as much as possible to develop a comfort level.

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Spring Menu Trends

posted April 17, 2019   category » Festival Food Vendors

3 Trends To Consider When Developing Your Spring 2019 Menu
By Richard Myrick for Mobile Cuisine


Open Up Your Options

Your customers are looking for ways to personalize their meals. What this means for food concession owners is that you need to provide options to your existing menus that appeal to everyone from gluten-free eaters to vegetarians and vegans to paleo-diets and healthy eaters.

image by Nick Hillier

Menu items should be swapped out as dining trends come and go because this will help your menu to stay fresh and exciting for your regular customers. This is a great way for you to appeal to a larger portion of your local community. This doesn’t mean that you need to create a menu with 10 to 15 entrees, but you can still offer 4 to 6 items with various options for each. The key is that any option changes work with your food business brand.

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Necessary Food Safety Tips

posted March 14, 2019   category » Festival Food Vendors

Don’t Get Caught in a Lawsuit! Implement These Food Safety Tips Before Your Next Catering Event
Food Liability Insurance Program 

Imagine you're serving food at a wedding reception and the guests fall ill after consuming your food! How would you respond? Food poisoning can happen to any caterer and it is important to make sure your business is covered.

image by @neonbrand


Melissa Conarton and Jesse Abbott contracted a catering company to serve food at their wedding reception. There were over 100 people that got sick and 22 that were hospitalized overnight. According to court papers, the caterer's macaroni and cheese was statistically significant for staphylococcus aureus, a gastrointestinal illness. The couple sued for damages in order to pay their guest's medical bills and the caterer countersued for lack of payment for their services.

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For Emerging Artists

posted March 14, 2019

5 Mandatory Tips for Emerging Artists
Eric Armusik for Fine Art Views

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I really didn't have any support early on in my career and because of that, I promised myself that when I achieved some level of success I'd never refuse anyone who asked for help. The question I get asked the most is: what advice would you give to an artist just starting out?

Here are 5 mandatory tips for emerging artists.

1. Get a website.

Make it easy to remember, preferably your full name .com. If your name is common like a "John Smith" and the address was taken, then add "art" or "paintings" or something similar to that to the end of it. Make it EASY. You will have to use this address to attract people to your work every day of your life. Do not use some free service that doesn't allow you to have your own name. If you make ANY investment in your career monetarily, this is the one to make. Social media is not the sole answer to a thriving art career. You need a good website with a portfolio and content to establish a presence online and to have your site found on Google.

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Learn to Say No

posted February 20, 2019

Why Artists Must Say No
Carolyn Edlund of Artsy-Sharky

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As a business owner, you need to keep the big picture in mind. What is the vision you have for your business? Have you created a road map to get there? Break down the steps to reach your goals into manageable bite-sized pieces and prioritize them in a logical fashion. Then, execute. Keep your eye on the prize and refuse to get derailed by distractions!

"The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything." --Warren Buffet

Say No to:

Doing what could easily be delegated to others.

As the CEO of your art business, you are top management. As such, you should be working at your highest possible level as often as possible. You make the major decisions that impact everything – where you sell, how you market, who you seek out as part of your network.

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One Member's How-To on Booking Gigs with FestivalNet

posted February 20, 2019

Tools and Gigs
Special Video by FN member Tim Charron |

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Over the last five years, Tim has opened for national acts and estimates he's played in front of 150,000 people. Of course, it didn't start that way. He credits FN's events database search options and organizational tools for helping him grow his business.  Listen to how Tim uses FestivalNet's tools to book more gigs:

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Update Your Website for the New Year

posted January 21, 2019

3 Website Updates Artists Need for the New Year
Sandi Dettman of Artsy-Sharky

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As an artist, you wear many hats. Trying to carve out time to deal with technical issues is not nearly as enjoyable as creating. However, your online presence goes a long way in getting your name and portfolio out there. With many artists moving toward selling art online, it’s important to put your best foot forward.

image @rawpixel

Here is a short art website checklist as we enter the new year:

1. Update your copyright.

You put time and energy into posting images of your art and updating content. Unfortunately, many artists don’t pay much attention to that little copyright notice at the bottom of their site. An updated copyright notice not only helps protect your content and design rights. It also tells potential collectors that your site is up to date and that someone is minding the store, so to speak.

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Return From Vacation The Right Way

posted December 13, 2018

How To Return From Vacation The Right Way
Richard Myrick for

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There will be many things awaiting you on your first day back:

  • A full inbox
  • A long list of to-dos
  • Staff and customers needing your attention
image courtesy of

If you dive right in to your work, you’re likely to wipe out all the benefits of taking time off! Instead, get back into the swing of things while maintaining some of the calm and restoration of your time away.

Block off your morning.

Make sure you don’t have any meetings scheduled or big projects due. Then before you open your inbox, pause and think about your work priorities. As you make your way through emails and voicemails, focus on returning the messages that are connected to what matters most. Defer or delegate things that aren’t top priorities. And, remember it will probably take more than one day to get caught up, so be easy on yourself!

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Marketing Help with Aromatherapy

posted December 13, 2018

Hate Marketing Your Art? Try Aromatherapy!
by Dr. Thea Fiore-Bloom of The Charmed Studio courtesy of for Artsy-Sharky

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I used to do anything to avoid marketing. It felt sleazy and didn’t really seem to pull in much business anyway. I was about to give up on it when I decided to throw a Hail Mary pass – and be totally honest, humorous and vulnerable.

People responded. I was shocked. I accidentally stumbled onto what I have termed, meaningful marketing.

Meaningful marketing reveals the soul-connected bits of you and your art through story to potential customers. It feels ethical and attracts your ideal audience. Problem is, opening up and being vulnerable is frightening, right?

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Choose Your Best Artwork to Display

posted November 15, 2018

How to Choose Your Best Artwork to Display at an Art Fair or Festival
Niki Hilsabeck for

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The easy answer might be "whatever's framed!" But if you've got a variety of pieces available, these simple guidelines should help make your selection process a snap.

1. Start with framed work in your signature style

Choosing the right art work
image via rawpixel

Select framed pieces that show off what you consider to be your signature style, whether that's a particular subject matter, theme, or painting technique. Make sure you have a variety of sizes and prices—I usually bring about 2/3 in medium sizes, with the remaining third divided into a few larger pieces and a small collection of framed miniature works.

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Clean Up Your Accounting

posted November 15, 2018

Cleanup Your Accounting With These 4 Bookkeeping Tips
Richard Myrick for

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Getting a better handle on your money can help you to make and keep long-term goals, smooth out the seasonal ups and downs of your cash flow and maybe improve your food truck profits. It can also help you stay out of trouble with the IRS.

Plan for major expenses

The first of our bookkeeping tips is to put events like a major POS upgrade on the calendar. Mark it a year in advance or, ideally, three to five years ahead. Be sure to take seasonal ups and downs into account.

By following this tip, you’ll avoid taking money out of your food truck business during the flush periods only to find yourself short in the slower months, when costly projects like upgrading kitchen equipment usually happen

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Find Event Sponsors

posted October 24, 2018

How to Find Companies Interested in Sponsoring Events
Stephen Kim for

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Sell to those who want what you’re selling! Sounds obvious, but organizers often overlook this fact when the need for buyers becomes urgent and overbearing. These 10 tips can help you find the right sponsor partnerships:

1) Define The Fundamentals of Your Event

  • What is the overall vision of the event?
  • What overarching goals are you trying to achieve through the event?
  • What are the values of the event brand?

Even interested companies will only only buy-in if they understand your event’s goals and vision. Being able to clearly communicate these values will be crucial in helping you find companies interested in sponsorship.

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Artistic Gifts in Troubling Times

posted October 24, 2018

Using our Artistic Gifts in Troubling Times
Phawnda Moore for

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Current events seem to be on overload: politics, earthquakes, hurricanes, fires and health problems, to name a few. I’m guessing we’re all feeling a little overwhelmed and maybe somewhat helpless as we read the news—day after day.

image via Phawnda Moore

After we donate money, express our opinions on Facebook and lament with friends, in private moments we still wonder if it will all be OK someday. We wonder how our family and friends across the country will rebuild, heal, and carry on. So many lives are affected, so much needs to be done. How do we go forward?

Let's remember that we can offer encouragement to each other in a unique way, with our art. Someone once said, "People only know what you tell them." This is true of relationships across the board and around the world. There are doubts and fears that art can calm. So what, specifically, can we do?

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Top 10 Insurance Mistakes

posted October 17, 2018

Top 10 Insurance Mistakes for Food Trailers and Trucks
By Joel Paprocki for

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Let's run through the most common mistakes mobile food business owners make when they purchase insurance – as well as tips on how to avoid them.

  1. Buying The Lowest Price Policy You Can Find

Choosing low-cost insurance can – ironically – end up costing you a lot of money. Many low-cost policies have a very small list of claims they cover. 

image via william krause

Since insurance companies are continually pressured to lower prices, they're also forced to reduce plan benefits. This hurts the relationship between insured and insurer, especially when claims are filed that aren't covered by the plan. Don't just jump at the lowest price – jump at the plan and agency that fits you best.

  1. Paying Extra For Additional Insurance Certificates

Commissary kitchens, landlords, event managers, and city health departments often require that you present them with additional insurance certificates. 

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Shift Your Event Into Overdrive

posted September 20, 2018

Shift Your Event Into Overdrive by becoming a Featured Event!
Julie Cochrane for

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We love that it's free for promoters to add events to our database! It's what allows us to offer the largest resource for North American events, anywhere.

image via matthew miner

To take full advantage of ALL of our 1.3 million + monthly visitors, we offer another event status that lets you reach more of our visitors and more of our members. You can't afford to not take advantage of this, because well, it's MAD-affordable!

Allow me to deliver the lowdown: On our homepage is a map of our great country. Click on your state & you will see all the FEATURED events in your area. EVERYONE has access to these events, not just our members.

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How To Make YouTube Work For You

posted September 20, 2018

YouTube – How To Make It Work For You
NationWide Source

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First, the bad news: You won't make any livable wage monetizing YouTube videos until you start raking in views in the hundreds of millions. So that's the bummer. But, the good news is that you don't have to rely solely on monetization to make YouTube work for you. There are lots of examples of bands and artists who have used streaming video to get their names out there and launch their careers onto other more lucrative platforms. Here are a few ways to yield desirable results from YouTube.

Make no mistake. Gathering subscribers is important. Create your channel, make delightful viewing material and call your viewers to action by encouraging them to subscribe. (Just don't expect to make noticeable amounts of money directly from YouTube doing this.) You have to say the words too. Here's why: In most cases, people hear about a great video. They go watch the video. They move on with their day. The end. Don't let this be your viewers. At the end of your video, thank them for watching and then say, "subscribe!" It's that simple. You could add a please for good measure. Or confetti. Just make sure to say the words!

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How to Get Comfortable Talking About Your Art at Art Fairs

posted September 19, 2018   category » Artist Resources

Being prepared before presenting your art to the public is what makes art shows mangeable and fun to attend. I've got some tips to help you prepare for exhibiting and talking about your art at a show. Grab a notepad and let's dig in!

1. Prepare for common questions

Grab a beverage and write (writing vs typing helps you retain information) brief, friendly answers in your notepad to questions that might be asked.

image via eddie howell

• How did you make this?
• Is there a story behind this painting?
• How long did it take you to paint this?
• Can I get this with a different frame?
• What's the difference between printmaking and a print I'd buy at Target?
• Do you have a website where I can look at more, or buy something online?

Often, folks are just being conversational and friendly, so answer the question with an economy of words, and then ask something back. Volley the chit-chat.

Know Your Audience

posted September 19, 2018   category » Festival Food Vendors

Food Concession Menus - Know Your Market
Barb Fitzgerald of


In the food concession business, when it comes to menus, it can be a challenge to identify and pin down your market. Because your market is, literally, a moving target.

In one day your customers might be attendees of a farmers market in the morning, and Harley Davidson riders, enjoying a swap meet, in the afternoon. The following weekend you might have your concession at an art and wine show. Then, two days later, you find yourself setting up at a five day county fair.

image via shari sirotnak

I don't know any menu that can maximize sales at every event. Cotton candy is for kids, and fajitas are preferred by adults. Event goers admiring art while tasting wine are not likely to buy a corn dog. But, they might buy chocolate dipped strawberries or oysters. The reverse is true for people attending a motocross race.

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