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2020 Pandemic Resources

posted May 15, 2020   category » covid-19

Musicians! Get up and Running with Live-streaming Right Away

posted May 12, 2020   category » Musician Tips

Live streaming has exploded since Covid-19 has shut down the world. Musicians are performing from home, gaining new fans and making money from tips and selling merch.

I, personally, have booked many "Live Stream" PAID gigs. Some from home and some from the venues with no audience.

This video blog is intended to get you up and running with your lives streams right away . Do me a favor and please post / comment any questions you have or your experience with live streaming during the Pandemic.

Tim Charron
FestivalNet Pro Member and Content Contributor



These are the links I mention in the video blog: Selfie Stick & Tripod

Musician Emergency Kit: Stream Live - Gain Fans - Make Money:

FestivalNet Website Upgrade

posted May 1, 2020
📌 Heads Up: FestivalNet Website Upgrade
Heads up: Our Website is getting a make-over!
Hello FestivalNet member,

We just wanted to reach out to you quickly and mention that our website's new look will be going live in the next couple of weeks.

Rest assured - the FestivalNet Members Pro Search will remain intact!  We are adding a new 'Sort By' function to your pro search results which we hope you will find useful!  But you can expect your 'My Account' experience and tools to also remain essentially the same.

The majority of changes are taking place on our public, visitor pages... not our member pages. Here's a peak at how our new home page will look:

The homepage will now highlight our ever growing community too! We are so grateful that YOU are in our Community during these trying times. 

For our ongoing COVID response, please go here.  Soon we will release the findings from our business impact survey.

We will continue to update the site to better meet the needs of our members & always welcome your suggestions and feedback. Thank you for your time and wishing everyone all the best!

Have a great weekend,

The FestivalNet Staff
(800) 200-3737
To manage your e-lists or unsubscribe, go here
© Copyright FestivalNet. All Rights Reserved.

💡 COVID-19 Business Impact Survey

posted April 16, 2020   category » covid-19
💡 COVID-19 Business Impact Survey
FestivalNet All Member News

We know our website and services must evolve to help the Festival Community survive. I ask you to please take our survey so we can shape our tools and services while collecting important data on the impact of COVID-19 in the North American events industry.

This 16 question survey is for all artists, vendors, exhibitors, & service providers in the North American events industry; please share this survey with your circles. (This survey is not for the general public, customers or event promoters.)

Go to Survey
Be sure to check out our recent COVID-19 related blog posts.

Also, this is a great time to work on your FestivalNet Profile and Shop, we are promoting our online community heavily at this time. Please get in touch if you need help.😊

Thank you so very much!

Be well,

Julie Cochrane
Operations Manager

An Update from FestivalNet Operations Manager

posted April 3, 2020   category » covid-19
An Update from FestivalNet Operations Manager
FestivalNet All Member News
April 3, 2020

A Message From Our Operations Manager

Our hearts are heavy with the reality that this pandemic is affecting every member of our community. The following is an update on what is doing at this time.

Our hardworking staff is doing its very best, every day, to keep events updated, in addition to contacting promoters to get the very latest information and plans for the future. It is an arduous task with over 26,000 events in our database and the information on COVID-19 changing nearly daily. 

With the sincere hope of offering some respite, we are initiating several new actions:

- All current and new Pro members will receive an automatic, and free, two month extension of their membership. There is no action required on your part for this.

-We are offering a renewal and new member discount at this time & your membership will run for 14 months rather than 12.

- We are finishing up our form for livestream & virtual vendor events. 

- We are offering discounted Featured Events with a promise: if your future event is forced to reschedule any time this year, we will extend your Feature at no additional cost to you. (Events: Update your event listing here.)

We hope you take this time to work on your FN community profile and shop so we can help promote your business online.

We've been here with you since 1996 and plan to continue being of service long after COVID has run its course. In the meantime, please let us know if there's anything more we can do for you during these most difficult of times.

We encourage you to take advantage of federal relief options open to artists, entrepreneurs and small businesses working in the creative economy. The CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security) Act is now law and also offers direct support for both non-profit cultural organizations and state and local arts and humanities agencies.

Guide to CARES Act
COVID-19 Economic Injury Loan Application

Wishing you and yours very well, at this time and always.

Julie Cochrane
Operations Manager

Featured Event Sale and a Guarantee

posted March 30, 2020   category » covid-19

We are discounting Featured Events at this time...... with a promise to you.  If your event gets rescheduled, we will extend your Featured Event. If you need to postpone, we got your back, and will activate your Featured Event when you are ready to roll.

Regular Prices:

$89 for 1 or 2 Events
$79 for 3-5

Sale Prices with Date Change Guarantee

$79 for 1 or 2 Events
$69 for 3-5

Benefits of FEATURED EVENT status: Appear ON TOP of your state page above the FREE listings. 

We care about the success of your event!
  Please get in touch with us if you have any questions.

Two Free Months and $10 Off

posted March 30, 2020   category » covid-19

cool Unprecedented times calls for unprecedented offers.

It's a great time to research events for later on this year & get booked!

We are offering all members TWO FREE MONTHS when you buy one year
AND $10 off at this time. 

Instead of 12 months, you will get 14 months of Pro member access for as low as $39!!! 

Use one of these codes at check out:

$10 off code for Pros with memberships that have lapsed

 $10 off code for brand new members
and basic members who are ready to go Pro for full event details

We are excited for the events industry to come back strong when we get through this health crisis together.

If you have recently ordered, we will give you a free upgrade
or credit on future purchase, just get in touch with us and we would love to help.

All Current Pro Members received two extra months tacked on to your membership at this time.

Please be in touch with us if you need any help. Thank you and we wish you well!

FestivalNet Cares about your Business!

posted March 20, 2020   category » covid-19

FestivalNet Responding to COVID-19

Please Bookmark and share our new COVID-19 STATE-BY-STATE
Guide about Mask Mandates, Mass Gathering Info, and Current Re-opening Information.


EVENT Promoters:

If you know future dates for your listing, please update your listings ASAP. Remember everyone, there is just one listing per event. Do not cancel your event and add a new listing.

If you have added any 'online' components to your event such as livestream, virtual vendor fair, etc., please come on over to your event form & fill out these details so your event can appear on our new virtual events pages.

ARTISTS & Vendors:


At this time, we will be linking to members community pages (galleries, blogs, shops) heavily to assist in your virtual business exposure & consumer traffic, please take this time to enhance your online presence on FN. Go to 'my account' to get started.

In light of COVID-19, we have created this new page for event cancellations in your area. (*While we are doing our best to reach out to events that have been effected, FestivalNet will not always be notified when an event makes changes.) 

Wishing everyone well and take care of each other!

Peruse our blog often for updates, articles, and information.

Thank you.

Finding Balance in Uncertain Times

posted March 20, 2020   category » covid-19

Finding Balance in Uncertain Times
...from all of us at to all of you.

It is our sincerest hope that you and your loved ones remain healthy as this pandemic rages and then runs its course. But health isn’t the only concern. Artists, crafters, food vendors and entertainers...our community...depend on groups and gatherings to make a living. And, these are the very things which are being cancelled or postponed due to COVID-19.

The combination of social distancing, self-quarantine, concern for loved ones and economic impact makes for extraordinary stress during these already difficult times. The Centers for Disease Control says how you respond to the pandemic can depend on your background, the things which make you different from other people, and the community you live in. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in both adults and children.

Stress during an infectious disease outbreak can include:

  • Fear and worry about your own health and the health of your loved ones
  • Changes in sleep or eating patterns
  • Difficulty sleeping or concentrating
  • Worsening of chronic health problems
  • Increased use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs

Important information on COVID-19 Event Impact

posted March 13, 2020   category » covid-19
 We are not the event. Please contact the event directly to inquire.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

The health and well-being of our customers and communities is of utmost importance to us. We understand the concern and uncertainty you may be experiencing surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19). We remain positive and are hopeful that global actions will bring a swift end to this situation and you and yours have remained healthy.

While we are doing our best to reach out to events that may be effected and updating events in our system as best that we are able, FestivalNet will not always be notified when an event makes changes. While it is always our  suggestion to verify details before making travel plans, it is especially important now. Call, email or check your event's website & social media for the latest information on whether the show is still a go!

Check this page for event cancellations in your state.

Your safety is important to us. So, please take precautions while attending events of any size. Find suggestions from the Centers for Disease Control.

While it is unclear how long the restrictions will last, we are hopeful that these precautions will keep the time as short as possible.

As you may be aware, FestivalNet is undergoing some design changes that should be live in the next few weeks. We will be highlighting our members stores and profiles to continuously bring more value to your FestivalNet membership.

We wish you all a very successful year.

Before Your First Show

posted February 26, 2020

Things to Consider Before Your First Show
By Sam Wilson for USA Moving Reviews


Artists just beginning to dip their toes into the festival scene often make a crucial mistake - they forget to check what kind of art the festival accepts. For example, a fine art show may not be a good match if you're a chain-saw artist or create functional pieces from recycled materials. Or, a painter with a focus on fine art might not be well suited to a strictly crafts show. Every piece of art is valuable. You just have to find the right place for showing it, so that you'll find an audience which appreciates it.

image: Pexels

Consider the Costs

Know how much you can spend and stay within your budget. Do you have $500 saved up? Then that needs to be enough for you to pay the registration fee and to cover any travel costs and food. In addition, if you are transporting delicate or large pieces, you may need to consider a professional mover to help you safely transport your pieces to the show and back.

Find Sponsors

posted January 23, 2020

How to Find Companies That Are Interested in Sponsoring Events
By Stephen Kim for


Sell to those who want what you’re selling! Though obvious, people often overlook this fact when the need for buyers becomes urgent and overbearing. This kind of tunnel vision is particularly true for event organizers looking to secure event sponsors.

image via aranxa esteve

The approach should not be to indiscriminately search for potential partners but to find companies who are specifically interested in sponsoring events. It’s a subtle yet significant difference. By focusing solely on companies willing to sponsor events, the search process becomes targeted and in turn yields more favorable results. 

 Read more!

Funding for musicians: music grants in the USA

posted January 22, 2020   category » covid-19

There are dozens of organizations in the USA which regularly award cash to serious artists, allowing the recipients to focus entirely on furthering their music career in some way. And unlike loans, they don't need to be paid back.

Sounds too good to be true, right? Wrong! These funding opportunities are out there for the taking, but they're very competitive. You'll need to research which ones are a good fit for you, find out when the deadlines are, and set aside plenty of time for the application process, which can be intense.

image via bandzoogle

Some music grant organizations exist to help out fledgling artists, while others support more established artists. Depending on the type of grant, the funding could be used to get a new music project off the ground, record an album, or tour. Some organizations place no restrictions at all on how you can use the money.

Here are seven of our favorite music grants available in the United States to get your wheels turning. But definitely check out local opportunities in your own city or state, you never know what you might come across.

Invest in your Art Career

posted January 20, 2020

15 Smart Ways to Invest in Your Art Career (Plus 3 More That are Free!)
By Alicia Puig for Empty Easel


You’ve probably heard the saying “you have to spend money to make money,” right? But, when you’re just starting out, having slower than normal art sales, or trying to find work, it’s hard to allocate funds to professional development. 

 The good news is, investing in your art career doesn’t always require you to spend money. Setting aside some time to work specifically on business and administrative tasks can be incredibly helpful and yield great results.

image: Bruce Mars

Free art career investments to get you started

1. Review, revise, and update!

Have you looked at your resume, artist statement, and website lately?

Make sure to have your newest work photographed and add it to your site. List any recent accomplishments and check your statement to ensure it still accurately describes the art that you are currently working on.

2. Get organized

Having everything perfectly arranged in your studio or workspace isn’t a necessity, but a few adjustments can make a big difference.

If you attended an event and have business cards lying around, save them in one place with your other contacts, preferably within an email marketing program. Set up an inventory of your work so that you can easily track the location and availability of each piece. 

3. Share your work

By now, most artists are active on social media. Try your best to post regularly and share high quality images of your art. Using the email list mentioned above, go ahead and send a newsletter with recent or available pieces.

To reach out to galleries or curators directly, draft a concise, professional email introducing yourself and your art. Do your research and only submit to opportunities where your work would be a good fit. This will save you both time and an excess of rejection letters.


FOUR MORE DAYS! Featured Event Sale

posted December 20, 2019
Holiday Savings on Event Advertising


End the year with a bang; grab this special offer to be a Featured Event and put your event on top of your state page today!

Featured events receive more than 3 times the average page views of other pages.

Sale ends Christmas Eve!

FestivalNet now averages over 1.3 Million+ visitors and over 70 million page views every month! What hasn't gone up are our prices! We want to offer you a once-a-year discount as our gift to you this holiday season.

Featured Event with web link
1-2 events $89/ea $79/each
3-5 events $79/ea $69/each

Featured Event without link
1-2 events $68/ea $63/each
3-5 events $63/ea $58/each

These prices are good thru Christmas Eve, but your Featured Event will last until your event is over, up to one year!

Head over to our Featured Events order page now! These sale prices end December 24th.

Contact Sara and Julie for assistance until 2 EST today, or next Monday, 9-5 EST. We look forward to helping you with your event marketing.

(800) 200-3737

Boost with Social Media

posted December 18, 2019

5 Ways to Boost Food Truck Sales Using Social Media

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According to, there are over three billion active social media users. 48% of consumers are more likely to buy from a responsive brand. 46% of consumers are more likely to take advantage of promotions offered through social media. If you’re not sure how to leverage the power of social media to improve your business, we’re here to help!

  1. Hashtags

A hashtag is a way of categorizing social media posts and making your content viewable to audiences that you may want to attract. It's used within a post on social media to help those who may be interested in your topic, and they can find you when they search for the keyword or specific hashtag.

image: merakist

A great way to harness the power of the hashtag is to do a little research on which hashtags are popular or commonly searched. The top five hashtags on Instagram right now are #instagood, #photooftheday, #food, #igers, and #lifestyle. Including one of these relevant to your post may help boost engagement with your content on Instagram. But these alone won't do the trick. You need to be tuned into which hashtags are popular in your area. 

1. Influencers

According to, a social media influencer is someone who has established credibility in a specific industry. They have access to a large audience and can persuade others by virtue of their authenticity and reach. Their followers trust them and their taste. A stamp of approval from an influencer boosts your food truck's credibility.


Engage the Senses

posted December 18, 2019

Engage the Senses with Your Booth Display
by Carolyn Edlund for ArtsyShark

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A veteran shopper was recently asked whether she purchases gifts online, and declared, "Never. I want to see and feel the merchandise before I buy it." Despite the surge in online shopping, this attitude isn't unusual. There is great value in exhibiting your art or handmade items in person to enable potential customers to view and handle products before making a decision.

image courtesy ArtsyShark

Art fairs and festivals, pop-up galleries, open studio events and alternative spaces all give you this opportunity. Meeting customers and sharing your story is the beginning of building relationships with them as fans and collectors. But first, your presentation must draw attention and pull them in. Appealing to the senses is a very powerful way to encourage shoppers to engage.


Featured Events on SALE til Christmas Eve!

posted December 16, 2019

We keep growing! FestivalNet now averages over 1.3 Million+ visitors and over 70 million page views every month! What hasn't gone up are our prices! In fact, we want to offer you a once-a-year discount as our gift to you this holiday season.

Sale ends Christmas Eve!

End the year with a bang; grab this special offer to be a Featured Event and put your event on top of your state page today!

Featured events receive more than 3 times the average page views of other pages.

Featured Event with web link
1-2 events Reg Price $89/ea, Now $79/each
3-5 events Reg Price $79/ea, Now $69/each

Featured Event without link
1-2 events Reg Price $68/ea, Now $63/each
3-5 events Reg Price $63/ea, Now $58/each

These prices are good thru Christmas Eve, but your Featured Event will last until your event is over, up to one year!

Head over to our Featured Events order page now! These sale prices end December 24th.

In addition to Featured Events and State Banners, we have many more options like Call for Artists, classic website advertising, and email marketing. Learn more on our rate card.

Contact Sara and Julie for assistance!
(800) 200-3737

We look forward to helping you with your event marketing.

Opening for National Acts

posted November 20, 2019

The # 1 Tip for booking gigs opening for NATIONAL ACTS
By Tim Charron | How to Book Gigs 
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Are you a band or a singer-songwriter with the talent to open for national acts but don't know how to get these gigs?

Are you frustrated because you know your act is good enough but you can’t get a hold of the national act, their label, their manager…

image via How to Book Gigs

Well, let me tell you, I went through this pain for years but through trial and error I learned how to book these gigs. Fast forward a few years and now I have opened for over 30 national acts including Willie Nelson, Charlie Daniels, Bret Michaels, Dustin Lynch, Big & Rich, Clink Black … you get the picture.

I am sharing with you my #1 most valuable tip that can open the door for you to perform with your musical heroes. Enjoy!

Click to watch video in your browser!

Get the MOST from your Stage

posted November 19, 2019

Get The Most From Your Stage
By Greg Whiting with The Sound Guys

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As you're planning your event, here are a few steps you can take to maximize the entertainment value of your stage.

1) Allow time for strike and set

Even with a professional, two person crew (average for most festival/fair stages), it usually takes 15 minutes to get one act off, and the next artist ready to start. If you’re scheduling each act for 1 hour, their set will actually only be 45 minutes. 

image via Igor Stakov

Also, communicate! Knowing what acts are coming up, and being prepared for them will help the crew to be prepared.

2) Rent a backline

Setting up and micing a drum set takes a good bit of time. Many production companies offer rental of a drum set and/or bass guitar amplifier. If all of the acts know they’re required to use what is provided, it will minimize set up time.

 Read more!