We do not have a printed copy of all events because it is not an efficient way to present the information. You will ultimately only be interested in a small percentage of the 26,000+ events that we list.
However, with level 2 access you can create your own "booklet" of events to take with you on the road. As you search for and find events of interest, you can add those to "My List." Then, select the "Print My List" option to print your own personalized booklet of events.
Tags: book, copy, database, event, events, listing, listings, magazine, online, print, printed
In Pro Search, after the number of entertainment stages, you will see abbreviations of specific genres of entertainment that event is seeking.
Level of entertainment:
I = International, N = National, R = Regional, L = Local
Types of music:
AL = alternative
AM = americana
BC = beach
BG = bluegrass
BL = blues
CL = classical/symphony
CH = children's
CR = christian
CY = country
CZ = cajun/zydeco
EL = electronic
ET = ethnic
EX = experimental
FK = folk
FU = funk
GP = gospel
JM = jam
JZ = jazz
LN = latin
ME = metal
NA = new age
OP = opera
OT = old-time
RA = ragtime
RB = rhythm & blues/soul
RG = reggae
RK = rock
RO = rockabilly
RP = rap
RT = roots
SO = soul
SP = spoken Word
SW = swing
TC = dj/dance/techno
TF = top forty/pop
WL = world
Tags: abbreviation, codes, database, entertainment, event, festival, genre, genres, initials, key, listing, music, musician, performer, style, styles
You must have an account on our website to rate shows and/or promoters. If you are not a FN Member, you may become a basic member for free and then rate shows. Click the join link at the top of our site. Basic members may rate shows however to view individual ratings and comments, you must have a Pro account.
If you have an account, make sure you are logged in and from the tabs at the top, select "Events" and "Pro Search". Or from My Account, click "Find Events". Submit your search and in the results you will see ratings in the upper right corner of each event, along with links to add ratings. To find a specific show, use the "Key Word" field in the bottom left corner of Pro Search.
You will need to read and agree to the Rating Guidelines, available in the ratings form, to submit a rating. Click here to view our rating guidelines.
Also, check out this Rate Events page for events that have happened recently! You can sort by month and state to easily locate events and click directly to the rating form. Tip! Bookmark that page for easy access later!
Tags: database, event, festival, guidelines, listing, member, promoter, prosearch, rate, rating, search, show, shows
Pro Members can export the events in their "MyList" or custom List at 5 cents per record. Follow these steps to export your MyList:
A) First, have the events you want to export saved to your My List. Click on "View My List" to see how list. To delete events, click "Delete" at the bottom of each event summary.
B) When you're ready to export, click "Export My List." In the box that opens, select 'Save this file to disk' or 'Save to my computer' and click OK.
C) In the next box that opens, you will see the name of the export file, the file type, and where on your computer it will be saved. It is best to save the file to your desktop. Be sure that the file type is '.csv'. If it's not, use the drop-down arrow to change the file type to '.csv'.
D) Click "Save." The export file is now on your computer's hard drive (it might take a minute if your file has many events in it).
You may open this file directly from a spreadsheet program, or import the data into a contact manager or database program. The import command is usually under File > Import. Your software will usually ask you to choose the file type (.csv) and which fields you want imported where.
Please keep in mind that each time you export your My List, the entire list is exported -- not only new events you may have recently added to the list. To export just a few events, those must be the only events in your list.
The export is emailed to you after purchase and the download link is valid for 7 days and 5 download attempts.
Tags: csv, database, email, emails, event, events, excel, export, exporting, exportlist, list, mylist, spreadsheet
To be listed, your event must include opportunities for exhibitors or vendors or entertainment.
Please Note we do not list the following types of events:
Tags: allowed, database, events, fairs, permitted, promote, promoted, promoter, promoters, shows