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General FAQs

FestivalNet is not affiliated with any festival we list on our site.

A membership to our website saves you time in your event research!

If you need additional info on event schedules, buying tickets, music lineup, how to be a vendor, when the parade starts, parking arrangements, or if your dog or cat can come, please contact the festival directly. You can look up their website or social media if you are not interested in our membership services.

You can become a free member of and get full show details on any eight events of your choice. To do that, go here.

Tags: admission, allowed, amusement, basic, bring, chairs, cost, date, dates, discount, dog, dogs, entry, festival, handicap, info, insurance, leash, mask, membership, parking, pet, pets, power, puppy, purchase, rain, rental, rides, scooter, senior, shine, show, shuttle, tickets, weather, wheelchair, wheelchairs

General FAQs, Member FAQs

Juried events have a selection committee for art & craft exhibitors, and require that you submit slides or photos of your work or products. The selection committee (the jury) reviews all applications before choosing exhibitors for the event. Sometimes there is a nonrefundable jury fee for these events.

Jury standards (and jury fees) will vary a lot -- some are very selective, and others simply want to prevent too much repetition in event exhibitors.

Tags: application, art, artist, committee, craft, event, exhibitor, fair, fee, fees, judge, juried, juries, jury, panel, panels, show

Here are the ways you can search to look for art shows.

  • In "Pro Search", select "Juried events only" or select "Juried events" and check "Events w/Prize Money," BUT keep the default settings for other options like "what booths are allowed." Keep in mind there are many art shows that are not juried.
  • In the search options, select "fine art" or "fine craft" for "what booths are allowed."
Keep in mind, it is always better to select FEWER search options to improve your search results. Also, ALWAYS check with an event to verify that they DO or DO NOT allow what you are selling. It never hurts to ask!

Tags: allowed, art, craft, event, events, fair, fairs, fine, fineart, finecraft, juried, money, non-juried, prize, prizemoney, show, shows

In your "Pro Search" search results, show ratings can be found in the upper right corner of the summary box for each event and on the full show details page as well.

Any event or promoter that has been rated, will have yellow stars that you can click to view the ratings. Because our database is so large, many events & promoters have not been rated yet. Only Pro members have access to view detailed ratings.

Show Ratings Tip:
A good way to check on a promoter that you're not familiar with is to use the "More by this Promoter" link that's to the right of the promoter name -- clicking on this will bring up all the events listed by that promoter, so that even if a particular event is unrated, you can quickly scan to see how the promoter's other events rate.

Tags: event, eventratings, events, promoter, promoterratings, promoters, rate, rateevents, rateshows, rating, ratings, shows

Member FAQs

You must have an account on our website to rate shows and/or promoters. If you are not a FN Member, you may become a basic member for free and then rate shows. Click the join link at the top of our site. Basic members may rate shows however to view individual ratings and comments, you must have a Pro account.

If you have an account, make sure you are logged in and from the tabs at the top, select "Events" and "Pro Search". Or from My Account, click "Find Events". Submit your search and in the results you will see ratings in the upper right corner of each event, along with links to add ratings. To find a specific show, use the "Key Word" field in the bottom left corner of Pro Search.

You will need to read and agree to the Rating Guidelines, available in the ratings form, to submit a rating. Click here to view our rating guidelines.

Also, check out this Rate Events page for events that have happened recently! You can sort by month and state to easily locate events and click directly to the rating form. Tip! Bookmark that page for easy access later!

Tags: database, event, festival, guidelines, listing, member, promoter, prosearch, rate, rating, search, show, shows

Here are a few tips for non-music performers and entertainers.

In the Entertainment box, in the # of stages of option, select "0 w/ Roving Performers". This is a good place to start, but it is not the only way to search. These are events that don't hire bands but do have entertainment.

You can also find suitable events by using our key word search. Select All events with entertainment and try words that fit what you do, like sideshow, comedy, magician, magic, juggler, kids' entertainment etc. Do a separate search for each key word(s) you place in the key word box. Again, do not rely on just this one method.

Remember: You can contact any event that has any type or level of entertainment, pitch what you do and possibly get booked!

Tags: art, children, circus, entertainer, fortune, juggler, magic, magician, martial, non-music, sideshow, stilt, tarot

Festival/Promoters FAQs

Log in and go to "My Account" On the right of your account area, click the link "Pro View of My Events." If your show has ratings, you will see yellow stars in the top right hand corner of your event. Click on the stars to view your ratings. If the stars are greyed out, that means there are no ratings.

Encourage your happy exhibitors and vendors to rate your shows! We provide you with tips on doing this at the bottom of this page:

Promoters are allowed the option to add one response per event or promoter rating. FestivalNet will not be put in the middle of any disputes between members.

Tags: events, exhibitor, feedback, festivals, promoter, rated, rating, ratings, shows, vendor

To be listed, your event must include opportunities for exhibitors or vendors or entertainment.

Please Note we do not list the following types of events:

  • Individual exhibits or concerts
  • Gun Shows and Rodeos (Unless these need vendors)
  • Classes or lectures
  • Unrelated Organization conferences
  • Museum or Gallery Exhibits

Tags: allowed, database, events, fairs, permitted, promote, promoted, promoter, promoters, shows

You can upload a unique image to accompany each event. The upload image option is in the top right corner of the 'edit event' form. Head over to "Manage My Events" to get started. Be sure your event photo is at least 320 pixels wide.

To change or edit a previously uploaded image, click 'change image' in the event 'edit event' form. After image changes be sure to click 'save changes' at the bottom of the 'edit event' form.

Keep in mind once you have added a profile image, that will show with your events until you add a separate event image. If you add an image to one event and not others, the profile image will appear with events that have no event image added. Viewers will be able to see both your event photo and your profile image, once both are added. If you have not added a profile image or event image, one of our default images will show with your event. You can upload a profile pic in Modify Profile.

Tags: event, fair, image, listing, photo, picture, show, upload

We are more than happy to post your event on our website as long as it offers opportunities for either exhibitors, vendors or musicians. It is free to list your event and simply requires a free membership to do so.

If you do NOT have a membership please use the link and instructions below.

To add your event(s) to the FestivalNet database, go here.

* Complete the form which will create your user ID and password.
* Then log in with your new user ID and password.
* Click on "Manage My Events"
* Click on "Add Event".

If you DO have an account please follow the instructions below.

Log in at the top of the website or click 'my account' at the top of the page.

* Click on "Manage My Events"
* Click on "Add Event"

Tags: add, art, craft, event, fair, fairs, festival, festivals, list, music, show, shows