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How to Set Up Your Craft Booth For Social Distancing

posted December 28, 2020   category » covid-19
How to Set Up Your Craft Booth For Social Distancing

It’s that moment craft show participants everywhere have been waiting for.


At last, there’s a light at the end of the Covid-19 tunnel and it looks like we’ll get to display our work at craft shows and events again.


Of course, we’re still not entirely out of the woods.


If you’re worried about safety during the upcoming craft show season, there are ways you can set up your booth to keep everyone safe.


Here are a few simple recommendations for the socially distanced craft booth in a post-Covid world.

Require masks

While this may be difficult to enforce, asking visitors to wear masks can go a long way towards stopping the spread of Covid-19. The CDC still recommends the wearing of cloth masks as one of the simplest yet most effective ways to mingle in public safely. Even after the vaccine is distributed and for some time, wearing a mask is a visible sign that you are taking precautions and care about the safety of your guests.


Be sure to wear a mask yourself and politely encourage your visitors to wear one, too. This will make more of your vulnerable visitors (the elderly or immuno-compromised) feel more at ease when they come to your booth.

Set out individual pieces separately

It’s all part of the experience: large numbers of people putting their hands on items as they look at them. After all, touching and handling prospective purchases is part of the fun.


Unfortunately, it’s also a prime way to spread dangerous germs.


To minimize this, spread individual pieces out along your tables so that visitors can look at items without putting their hands all over everything. Ideally, invest in a case that can protect your items from handling unless requested.

Limit the number of items out for display.

For the same reasons mentioned above, keep just a few diverse, good-quality items out for display. Avoid overcrowding on your tables. This makes it possible for people to look through items while still maintaining a safe distance from one another.


Bring some extra merchandise to replenish empty spaces as items are purchased.

Make sure there’s adequate space between your booth and others

Work with other vendors to keep your booth a good distance away from those on either side of you.


This can help minimize any crowding as people move from one booth to another.


As this may not be entirely within your control, it’s worth it to contact the venue and find out what arrangements they are making for social distance between booths.

Use a plastic screen.

Shield your register with a plastic screen and stay behind when ringing up purchases and interacting with visitors.


As their name suggests, these “sneeze guards” protect you from flying particles when anyone sneezes, coughs, or even just talks.

Keep hand sanitizer on hand.

Make hand sanitizer readily available to visitors as they move through your booth and handle your merchandise.


Bring enough with you to ensure that you don’t run out.


And give your hands a rub as often as possible throughout the day to protect yourself and others as well.

Make your entrance display as compelling as possible.

You’ve always known that your success depended on an enticing display at the entrance of your booth, and that’s even more true now.


Visitors decide whether to enter or not based on your display, so make sure it’s an accurate representation of the goodies inside.


Also, if more of your merchandise can be seen from the entrance, it means a smaller crowd in the space within, making it safer for everyone.

Accept credit cards

If you don’t yet use Square, or some other app that allows you to accept credit cards, now’s the time.


Reducing the amount of cash that changes hands is one of the best ways to keep transactions germ-free.


Craft shows may never be quite the same in a post-Covid world. But with a few precautions, you can set up your booth in a way that’s profitable, enjoyable, and safe.


Top 5 Things to Do Now to Prepare For Craft Shows In the Spring

posted December 16, 2020   category » Craft Fair Vendor Resources
Top 5 Things to Do Now to Prepare For Craft Shows In the Spring

What’s the best thing about winter if you’re a crafter?

Preparing for spring craft shows, of course.

And Spring 2021 will be a season like no other.

With a COVID vaccine at last on its way, the long dark winter of social distancing seems poised to come to an end. And that’s great news for crafters and for all those who love crafting events and shows.

Here are a few pointers to help you prepare for the spring 2021 craft show season.

Keep Up Your Virtual Game

Fingers crossed that the Covid-19 period of history draws to a close very soon.

Even so, many of your customers will still be cautious.

For these folks, maintaining a strong online presence is key.

Fortunately, we have all had plenty of practice during 2020. Now you can get even more creative.

Consider posting a virtual craft show on Facebook Live. You can also ship kits of materials to prepare for a video tutorial on your website or social media page.

Do Your Homework

We know you already get this, but it’s more important than ever to read up thoroughly on craft shows and events that you attend as a vendor.

Besides the usual concerns about space, cost and time, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with any new rules established at the venue in the wake of Covid-19.

Sanitation and social distancing protocols are major concerns in the post-Covid era, and you’ll want to be well-prepared for these so they don’t take you by surprise.

Make Visitors Feel Safe

It’s been a long time since we mingled in close quarters at a craft show, and your customers are bound to feel a bit skittish.

Put them at ease by offering masks and hand sanitizer and limiting the number of people visiting your tent.

Give Special Attention To Your Display

The display at the entrance of your space has always been an essential component of success, and that’s even more true in 2021.

If you have to put a limit on the number of people who enter, they should still be able to get a good view of what you offer just from standing outside.

Try to set up your area so that as much merchandise as possible can be viewed from outside your tent.

Offer Unique Products For Unique Times

As a crafter, you are creative by nature, and never has that quality been more important.

Put your creativity to work in consideration of the ways people's lives have changed.

Can you create any items to make a home office space feel safe and cozy? How about gifts especially for frontline workers, or memorial items for those who have suffered the loss of a loved one? And don’t forget our pets; as we spend more time at home, items geared to pet owners are more appealing than ever.

And of course, cleaning products, hand sanitizer, and fun cloth face coverings are bound to be popular for a while yet.

Are you ready to conquer the post-Covid world of craft shows?

With a little caution and creativity, you’ll be able to take your craft show game to a whole new level in the spring of 2021.


Wishing You and Your Loved Ones a Happy Thanksgiving!

posted November 25, 2020   category » covid-19
Wishing You and Your Loved Ones a Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving from FestivalNet
We all know how hard 2020 has been on the events and arts industries, & we can only look forward to a brighter & better 2021. We remain grateful to you and our entire community!

No matter how your holiday looks this year, we wish you a peaceful day, small blessings, and good health.

“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.”
– Willie Nelson

Happy Thanksgiving!
From the FestivalNet Staff

Making Sales in a Changing World

posted November 23, 2020   category » covid-19

by Carolyn Edlund for Artsy Shark

Our industry has changed forever, and there is no going back to the old ways of doing business. Even traditional selling models will have to develop virtual components—or fail. Luckily, creative thinking is squarely in the wheelhouse of every artist and crafter. Are you using any of the following strategies?

Polish Your Artist Website

Your art website is the best place to showcase what you do, since you control content and presentation. Design it to display your art beautifully with stunning images and plenty of them. If your website isn’t ready for prime time, your sales will suffer. Does your About page share a compelling story? Do you provide information for shoppers about your art and how to purchase it, including terms and policies? Do you have prices listed and a shopping cart? If your answer to any of those questions is no, it is likely there is “friction” on your site that is preventing sales rather than encouraging them.

Image: ArtsyShark

Get Comfortable with Video

Anyone with a smartphone or computer can make videos. Present a collection of your work and tell your story authentically to reach your audience most effectively. Online tools like Lumen 5 are useful for this purpose.

Then, place your video content in multiple places, such as your website and social media profiles. YouTube is a massive platform filled with videos of all types—and as the second-biggest search engine in the world, it’s an excellent place to start. Many artists who teach have switched over from live workshops to video lessons on YouTube with very positive results. Videos are perfect vehicles for Instagram Stories and are also the format for Facebook Live. Sales can literally be made directly on these platforms.

If you’re camera shy, or fear that you don’t take a good photo, it could be slowing you down. Resolve to get past that hesitation. Start now by making a video about yourself and your work, then share and gauge the results. It gets easier over time, and you will most likely be glad you took the first step.

No Cost Marketing Tools

posted November 19, 2020   category » Festival Food Vendors

8 No Cost Marketing Tools For Your Food Truck
by Richard Myrick for Mobile-Cuisine

Savvy marketing tools and techniques can attract more customers to your food truck or food business and more viewers to your website. By building your presence without paying for advertising, you’ll have extra cash to invest in other areas.   

image via arturo rey

Put your URL on all documents and packaging

There's no added cost to include your URL on every single piece of collateral that leaves your food truck or food business. For example:

* Truck wrap
* Business cards
* Letterhead
* Invoices
* Receipts
* Catering presentation folders
* Take-away menus
* Press releases

Be sure your URL appears in all of your advertising and social media. And of course, include it on all forms of packaging: cartons, labels, bags, and any other containers you use.

When You Can't Play Music

posted November 18, 2020   category » Musician Tips

Leveraging your skill sets when you can't play live music
by Joy Ike for Bandzoogle

As musicians, touring, performing, and creating often begin with staring at a screen doing all the administrative tasks which keep the creative side alive. Here are some outside-the-box ideas as you consider what your ‘work’ is for the foreseeable future.

Create and maintain websites

Do you maintain your own website? No matter what platform you use your skillset is necessary right now! People (especially small businesses) are realizing now more than ever that they need a website in what now feels like a virtual-only world. And believe it or not, most people don’t know how to make one. Offer this talent. Someone needs your expertise.  

image courtesy: bandzoogle

Provide Social Media Help

And guess what? People who need websites also need help with their social media presence: Facebook Business pages, Instagram accounts, Twitter, subscriber mailing lists, and the like. Remember that while online communication takes a front seat to in-person communication, small business owners need help doing this better.  

10 Things I Learned My First Year as a Small Business Owner

posted November 4, 2020   category » Craft Fair Vendor Resources
10 Things I Learned My First Year as a Small Business Owner

1. Get neat, tidy and organized! We all have to report to the IRS sooner or later. What's that saying about death and taxes? Well international laws may differ but where I live I have to report to my tax office once a year. And they want to know a lot! So you better have your receipts, bills and paperwork organized and neat. Nothing is worse than having a taxes deadline, and angry IRS guy breathing down your neck, and only a huge box with bits of paper to save you. You don't need to be OCD about it either, but you should know your organizational system. And remember, it is your freaking office so go and buy the pink paper or the Hello Kitty filing folder. Decorate your boring files with scrapbook paper, stickers, and sparkle-y lettering. I think there is no need to tell you that you should get organized with storing your products, that should be a given. Maybe just one more tip regarding that matter: Don't smoke where you work or keep your supplies. So many times I opened a package from a seller and it reeked of smoke. Disgusting! I wouldn't buy from these sellers again.

2. Get legal! Don't hesitate to ask questions! Before you start your business, get to know your country's laws regarding that matter. It is super important to have a business that is legit and registered by the official authorities. Otherwise you might get in trouble with said authorities and you don't want that! Don't be afraid to ask people who already run a business. Some of them are more than willing to help you, you just need to ask. And don't be afraid of the authorities. I, for instance, was always super intimidated by the IRS people. At one point they asked me to send in my first bills to check if I'm doing everything right. I was super scared and thought "OMG I AM DOOMED!" But guess what, they just wanted to help me so I won't get into trouble later on. They called me the next day to tell me that I'm doing everything right and they were so very nice! Okay you can't say everyone will love you at the IRS and some people just aren't nice but hey, no one is out to get you!

3. Take some time to do your product pictures! And make a million at once, it is great when you can choose from many great pictures. I have made quick shots of my products and always regretted it afterwards. When I was feeling sick, stressed or had only little time to take photos I was always disappointed with the outcome and I often ended up with taking them again, re-listing everything. I also think little props and a nice background make a picture so much more interesting. Scrapbook paper make great backgrounds. Take a look around the marketplace and get inspired by what other sellers use as a background props. Then look around your house, your craft table, the garden, etc for things you can use.

4. Get ready for Christmas! I was totally overwhelmed by Christmas shoppers. I never spent so much money on Christmas presents myself, I rather make them myself or buy small things only for my closest friends and family. So the whole Christmas capitalismpalooza came as a little surprise to me. I made a big deal of my year's income on Christmas. It was a very busy time and I wasn't ready for it.. That is not going to happen to me again. So you better stock up, work on wrapping in advance, order more business cards etc so it's less stress and more fun. Other holidays like Valentines Day and Easter are also quite busy.

5. Craft fairs are amazing! If you only sell your things online because you can't afford your own local shop (who can? *sigh*) or selling in a boutique or something, craft fairs are an amazing opportunity for you. They have them nearly everywhere now. It is great to see your customers react to your goods, to get complimented on your work and see happy faces buying your product. Some people may ask questions about your products that you have never thought about before and you can later use it for making it better or writing more detailed product information in your online store. Others might tell you what they don't like about an item and you can learn from that, too. It is also a good way to network more, to give out your business cards, to meet new people and other sellers. I always love getting to know new crafty people. In my experience, I have never met a seller on a craft fair who wasn't nice and polite. And you're all in the same boat (or fair ;) ) so finding topics to talk about is easy. is of course what I would recommend for craft fair research in North America.

6. Find your community!  I follow many many steampunk and sewing blogs. I communicate with people who like and make the same crafts as I do through so many networks. It's fun! You should try it. Whatever item you make there is a community for it. There are message boards and flickr groups and twitter chats and online classes and communities to the bazzoo! You should find your niche and its community. It is very helpful to exchange opinions, tips and tricks with like-minded people. It gives you also the great feeling of being part of a team rather than working alone everyday at your craft table.

7. Wrapping is super important! I have gotten so many compliments about my wrappings. I really put a lot of effort in how my products look when they arrive in their new home. It takes me about 20-30 minutes to wrap one item. That's not very good on time management but I don't mind. I like doing what I do and I like sewing or paper crafting each item its own little bag/box, put a nice bow on it and write a thank you note etc. I think it is also a nice way to wrap your things in a green way. A fabric pouch is so much better than a plastic bag!

8. Don't share too many secrets! You know how to make something rad that is a bestselling item on etsy and no one else does it? Don't write a tutorial about it in your blog! Come on, you have to stay a little mysterious. People will copy you sooner or later anyways, no way around it. And you don't want to make it too easy for them, right? Speaking of copycats, don't be insulted or mad when you see an item that looks suspiciously like yours. It might be unintentional, it might be just inspired by yours. Don't get into a fight with these people. All we can do is being flattered, swallow the anger, call your best friend, say mean stuff about your copycat to get it out of your system and move on.

9. People love extras and German Gummibarchen. Little extras are always appreciated. Each one of my order comes with mini gummibear bags. I think it is not only nice to send some local sweets (especially when you sell mostly overseas) it also works great as additional bubble wrap! I get so many nice comments and "thanks for the sweets" remarks from my customers. You can also send little extra items with your order, like a pin, a brooch or a hair bow. It is also a nice way to say thank you to your customer and make sure they'll remember you. That way they often come back. I mean, be honest, who doesn't like free stuff.

10. A thank you goes a long way! Be nice. Try to always be there for your customers and always answer emails/ marketplace convos, etc. Always be polite and say thank you! Say thank you when someone orders something, when someone leaves you a nice comment, when someone retweets your shop tweets. And when someone is being a sweetheart and helps you with whatever it is (tips, tricks, link) say thank you! Sometimes I want to scream at people for taking such things for granted. Once a girl who was new in Germany asked me where she could buy fabric here via etsy. So I went on the net and sent her a million links and, guess what? I never heard from her again. See, people remember you when you're being rude. And that is not the impression you want to leave!

5 Ways To Build Food Truck Staff And Customer Loyalty

posted October 22, 2020   category » Festival Food Vendors
Why do you own a food truck or why are you planning to start one? Is it merely to make money or do your employees and customers factor into the decision making process? Do your plans include staff and customer loyalty?

If you want a successful food business you must prioritize loyalty to your employees, customers and the community, no matter what the bottom line is saying.

Develop Long-term Relationships

No matter what position a staff member is hired for, you need to think about and share your vision for their future within your food truck business. Promoting from your existing staff builds trust and gives employees goals to shoot for.

These long-term employee relationships will also boost morale and productivity within the truck. This helps the business out by providing lower turnover and keeps overhead as low as possible. The lack of turnover will also cut down on the costs of training.

By the time someone reaches a leadership position they will have a thorough understanding of all of the systems and intricacies of your food truck business. This means that they can operate more efficiently.

Buy In Bulk

This one may sound odd at first, but much like successful restaurants, you need to take advantage of your food truck community/organization to negotiate volume discounts with local suppliers. This will also add to building a long-term relationship with suppliers to assure they will provide you with low prices.

Keep Prices Low

This one ties into the previous point. By getting volume discounts from suppliers, you will be able to keep your prices as low as possible while providing consistently high quality menu items. Not only will this keep customers coming back (and drawing new ones), but they'll do so as long as they see the perceived value in the quality of the food you serve them.

Don't Carry Debt

Food truck owners need to try and stay away from long term debt. This may not be the easiest point to follow through with, however, it will help you from having to make monthly debt payments. In turn, it allows you room to earn a profit while still charging your low prices.

Make It A Family Affair

Treat each of your employees and customers as if they are a member of your family. If you take anything away from this article it should be that the best investment to make in your food truck business is to create and sustain the loyalty of employees and customers.

The Bottom Line

It's not always easy to earn staff and customer loyalty, but employing these few tips should go a long way to getting you started!

Visit for more food truck tips and resources!

Selling Online: Good Photos Are Key

posted October 13, 2020   category » Inspiration
Selling Online: Good Photos Are Key

Upon landing in your online shop, your photos are the first thing that speaks to your customers about your work. If the photos are out of focus, pixelated, confusing, or poorly lit, you've lost a potential customer. If you don't take the time to share excellent photos of your items, don't wonder why you aren't making any sales. It is the most important thing about online selling; good photos of your work pay off.

Fortunately, you don't need to be a professional photographer to take decent photos of your items. 

If you are using your phone to take photos, it is a good idea to research online camera guides or tutorials that match your phone type and camera program. For example, many smart phones offer 'professional' settings to give you some control over lighting settings or white balance... Some do not. A little research can go a long way in presenting your items as they deserve.

Get a tripod.

Whether you are shooting with a camera or smartphone, an inexpensive small table top tripod will ensure a steady shot.

Natural lighting won't let you down...

...but using the flash always will. Flash photography will change the colors of your items, create glare, or otherwise misrepresent your craft, period. Using the flash also creates unwanted darker shadows. So, set up your display near a window, or if you go outside, take your photos in the morning or afternoon when the sun is not directly overhead.

Open your camera's manual and learn about the white balance setting.

It's easier than you think, will only take a second, and you will be glad you did when your pictures are brighter and cleaner. If you use plain white for your background, make sure it is truly WHITE by white balancing your camera. I often see grey-white, underlit backgrounds and it looks terrible. (Another great solution to giving your stuff great lighting: try googling "creating your own at-home lightbox" for photographing small items. It's easy and cheap to make your own mini photography studio!)

Place your items on non-distracting and complimentary backgrounds.

You don't want to use colors or textures too similar to your item that will cause it to blend in. Contrasting elements will make your item stand out, but choose wisely and make sure the placement of your artwork "makes sense". Being consistent with your backgrounds will help brand your shop. Time after time I see people's household items in the background and it looks completely unprofessional and draws the eye away from the item being photographed.

Take photos at various angles.

You will want to include a close up (using your macro setting on your camera will help you achieve clear close ups) when you list an item to sell. Take advantage of uploading as many pictures as allowed per item! Let your buyer see your item completely so they know what they're getting. I see so many people just uploading one photo of their item. Those people shouldn't wonder why they aren't making any sales either.

Bonus Tip For Framed Art Pieces.

You will want to check out this blog post: 5 Online Tips to Show Your Art in a Room

Good photos = more online sales. Bad photos won't get you anywhere.


Pictured Above:  Jewelry by Gerina Shop
I like many of these shop photos, they are clean, sharp, naturally lit, and non distracting. She uses shells and pennies to give the shopper context, a great idea!

Take some time to look around the marketplace to get ideas for your photos! (Or to see what not to do.  😎)

Keeping Art Alive in the Bayou City

posted October 9, 2020   category » Virtual Festivals
Keeping Art Alive in the Bayou City
I have seen a variety of virtual festivals come and go since Covid & a few have stood out as works of art themselves; when the creative intention behind the activities and offerings are a true testament to the festival's love of art and community.

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” ~ Maya Angelou

Such is the quote on the "Active Imaginations" page on the Bayou City Art Festival's website.  Here young artists can watch and learn very cool art projects. A couple of the videos were taught by an art educator at the The Museum of Fine Arts in Houston. Kids can download color sheets and score the recipe for colossal bubbles.

Enjoy performances from the festival's musicians and consider giving via their virtual tip jars! Get to know artists on the Happy Hour page while learning new mixology tips. The Art Crawl page gives you artist studio tours and art project clips. Of course you can peruse all the festival artists and click to visit their websites and until October 11, you can participate in the Art Auction! 

Many of the Bayou City Virtual Art Festival's happenings will still be available on their web site the rest of this year.  Take some time to appreciate the hard work and dedication to keeping art alive this trying year!

When and Where

Now! Auction Closes October 11th.

10 Tips for Creating Captivating Booths for Art and Craft Fairs

posted October 6, 2020   category » Craft Fair Vendor Resources
10 Tips for Creating Captivating Booths for Art and Craft Fairs
Now that events are slowly beginning to happen again, it’s time to shake out your tents, dust off your display tables and consider updating your booth to attract the most shoppers at arts and craft fairs!

Here are some tips from veteran art and craft fair producer, and long time Amy Amdur of Amdur Productions. (Photo from Amdur Production's Gold Coast Art Fair in Chicago, Illinois.)

1. Plan It!

Use graph paper or a computer layout program. Plan each wall, know the sizes of the work you intend to show. Hang pieces that stack on a vertical midline, and pieces that are side by side on a horizontal midline. Aim for symmetry.

2. Frame It!

Try to have harmonious framing so that the public's attention is on your work, not on the frames. Instead of showing one style of artwork, you really want to show a group of work. It could also be by subject matter. By having one or two frame styles it keeps the focus on your booth.

3. Size Matters!

Hang a large impact piece or two of your art in the center of your back wall. It can help bring people into your booth and support the sales of your smaller pieces. When people are walking by your booth at an arts and crafts fair you have only about 5-6 seconds to grab their attention! Displaying that larger, eye-catching piece at the back of your booth helps slow down the crowd and draw in shoppers.

4. Jewelers and Those with Smaller Craft Pieces

Consider displaying photo blow-ups of some of your favorite work on the back wall and the front lower sections of your cases. That helps fest goers ‘see’ your work from a distance which makes them more apt to come in for a closer look.

5. 3D Artists

Use multiple display levels and pedestals to showcase your work at craft fairs. A more sophisticated layout is on multiple levels. Consider a vase or a sculpture in this instance.

6. Signage is Important

Use signage which reflects your work, not just a generic name sign. Velcro backed individual letters on fabric panels are a great way to display your name as well. For example, if your palate is a "deep green" find a sign which matches your work. You can even take that same look and put it on your business cards! Bottom line: signage shouldn’t be generic, but specific to you.

7. Include a Ground Cover

Solid color carpet remnants or throw rugs create an inviting atmosphere and don’t have to be expensive. Duct tape down all sides for safety. People often forget the ground when setting up at arts and crafts fairs and this will help make your booth stand-out.

8. Remember to Weigh Down Your Tent

Connect the weights to the upper cross bars of your tent so that your hard work doesn’t blow away. Wind is a force to be reckoned with at craft fairs, and it really doesn't take a lot of it to ruin your tent.

9. The Tent Itself is Important

A heavy, commercial grade tent with a sky light is best for most artists and crafters. These have stronger structures to hold walls without sagging. And, a sky light creates a brighter interior which makes for better viewing of the details of your work, like color and texture.

10. Use a High Director’s Chair

Choose a director's chair in a color which works with your booth. A higher chair gets you on face level, not belt buckle level, with your customers. Remember, your booth serves as an onsite gallery at arts and crafts fairs and a high director’s chair looks like an intentional design element. .

Gotta Love a Drive-Thru Fair!

posted September 30, 2020   category » Festival Food Vendors
Gotta Love a Drive-Thru Fair!
If you are lucky enough to be near Winston-Salem this weekend, you'll want to start getting hungry now and make a plan to get there!

The Carolina Classic Fair didn't close their doors this year because of Covid. Instead they designed a fun-for-the-family drive-thru style event to help celebrate the food and community that fairs typically cultivate. Twelve food vendors will be serving up fair faves that will be ordered touch-free and then picked up at the food and merchandising station.

"It’s about bringing as much of the Fair to the community as possible in a time that we cannot hold our traditional Fair. We hope that you enjoy what is put together with the current state of the country and our available resources. We are excited to work with existing Fair food vendors and support their livelihoods that have been rocked during this pandemic." - Event Website

The Fair put together this helpful video to explain the route and activities to enjoy for the Drive-Thru. Kudos to Carolina Classic Fair! Have fun!

When and Where:

421 27th Street NW
Winston-Salem, NC 27105

Thursday – Sunday: 11 A.M. – 7 P.M.
October 1 – 4, 2020

Festival Season Taking on a New Meaning

posted September 24, 2020   category » Virtual Festivals
Festival Season Taking on a New Meaning
One awesome benefit of our virtual festival "renaissance" in America is that many events are keeping their doors open much longer than their typical in-person festival day or weekend. 

Bloomington, Indiana's annual Fourth Street Arts Festival created a convenient online platform to proudly showcase the musicians, artists, community information, spoken word, and entertainment groups that would have been the pulse of the in-person event.  Since 1977, Fourth Street Arts Fest is typically a 2-day event over Labor day weekend drawing thousands. This year, the popular event is now 'online' until the end of this year!  This will give the artists more chances at sales, exposure, and networking.

In these difficult days, supporting each other is the best thing we can do to keep morale and livelihoods afloat. Art Festivals are the lifeblood for the artists in that community, and supporting those artists by buying their works keeps the artist thriving. A Community's art scene is only as healthy as the individual artist. We hope more art festivals find a way to highlight and support their community's artists so that we can come out of this time strong.

When and Where:

Now until December 31, 2020

"Sing, dance, have fun & be safe!"

posted September 23, 2020   category » covid-19
"Sing, dance, have fun & be safe!"
Celebrating festivals that can still happen during this unprecedented time has been so eye opening - the inventiveness, the creativity, the gusto. How so many festivals who can, will, keep shining their bright light for the music and wonderful times that only a festival can provide. 

Coming up quick is the Delaware Friends of Folk.  With the state of Delaware's helpful guidelines giving shape to how this outdoor event can take place,  Friends of Folk website lists its rules for campers and attendees to follow.  In true festival form, their final rule asked patrons to "sing, dance, have fun & be safe!"   Take a look at other guidelines that allow this Delaware festival to take place.

Delaware Friends of Folk COVID-19 Rules

  1. There will be handwashing and sanitizing stations located throughout the fesitval site. The portable toilets will be sanitized regularly and hand washing stations will be provided in the restroom areas.

  2. Social distancing is strongly encouraged, please respect each others space at all times and stay within your group.

  3. Masks are required at all times in the main gathering area unless you are standing within your group or seated at the stage. While walking around or visiting vendors we asks that masks or face coverings be worn. Vendors reserve the right to ask customers to use a mask when shopping in their booth.

  4. Childrens activities will be limited to lawn games only.  We encourage you to bring personal items from home  to occupy your children. There will be no staff supervision and no arts and crafts area this year to promote social distancing.

  5. There will be wooden spools to designate areas for your group in front of the stage. If these are taken, you may claim a spot 6 feet away from other attendees not in your group. There is plenty of viewing room and space to enjoy the stage.

  6. For those camping, masks are not required in your personal campsite. Campers have plenty of space to spread out, please take the time to pick a spot that ensures proper distance from those not camping with you.

  7. Take notice of signs throughout. They are there to remind you of the guidelines.

  8. Please stay home if you do not feel well, or if you have been in contact with anyone that tested positive within 2 weeks prior to October 2nd 2020.

  9. Please review again. Delaware Friends of Folk reserves the right to ask attendees to leave that may  be endangering  the safety of others.

  10. Sing, dance, have fun & be safe!

We here at FestivalNet wish your event all the best, Friends of Folk! 

When and Where:

The 29th Delmarva Folk Festival will be October 2-3, 2020.
Location: 352 Downs Chapel Rd, Clayton, DE 19938 (near Hartly)

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month in Raleigh, NC

posted September 17, 2020   category » Virtual Festivals
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month in Raleigh, NC
El Pueblo is a nonprofit organization based in Raleigh, NC, specializing in leadership development among Wake County’s growing Latinx community. Their annual Fiesta del Pueblo is a colorful and eventful street festival of artists, food vendors, nonprofits and bands, celebrating Latin cultures and heritage.

This year, we applaud El Pueblo with keeping their traditions going with offering many opportunities for people to safely enjoy the festivities while covid continues to limit in-person fun.  This year, La Fiesta del Pueblo has organized 4 events on Sundays during Hispanic Heritage Month.

"La Fiesta de El Pueblo has always been a time to come together as a community to celebrate our culture, our work, and our people. This year we are all seeing the effects of a virus so dangerous that a Fiesta like in years past is simply not possible. But that does not mean that we cannot continue to celebrate and be together in other ways!"

Tune in on Facebook Live to enjoy music and dancing from local talented performers straight to your feed, and if you're in the area, come spend an afternoon driving through a fiesta full of delicious foods to try, artisan crafts to browse, and more!

For a Drive Thru Map and all other event information including performers and artists, visit  

When and Where

Follow them on Facebook for happenings!

9/20/2020 and 10/4/2020

2 Drive-Thru events
9/27/2020 and 10/11/2020  1-4 pm

Parking lot of the Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC
1924 Capital Boulevard
Raleigh, NC

"The Powwow is Coming to You!"

posted September 16, 2020   category » Virtual Festivals
"The Powwow is Coming to You!"
We've seen many virtual festivals this summer make their debut to the world wide web as covid prevented in-person gatherings for most states. While we all know virtual events can never replace the real thing, we celebrated the ingenuity and creativity that so many events have presented to their friends and fans.

Non-profit Organization Indigenous Cultures Institute, who works to preserve the cultures of the Native Americans indigenous to Texas and northern Mexico, is proud to present the first ever virtual Sacred Springs Virtual Powwow

You will find labeled tents on the event's website to tour the various event components, including vendors, dances, and raffle. 

"Our physical event typically boasts an attendance of 6,000+ but this year's pandemic made hosting such an event unsafe. But this isn't enough to stop our 10-year celebration! This year's virtual event will feature performances by hundreds of dancers, traditional drums & singers with featured native vendors of arts, crafts & more...." 

Take some time this fall to enjoy the singing and dancing competitions, raffles, giveaways, and native culture and storytelling, all in a unique centralized experience, featuring tons of ways to get involved from the comfort of your own home!

When and Where:

From Now until a grand finale posted on November 21st, 2020
All Online at

The Complete Guide to Live Streaming

posted August 20, 2020   category » Musician Tips

As you've probably noticed, tons of artists have flocked to live streaming in the last few months, and for good reason. It’s one of the most effective and reliable ways to maintain a sense of community with your fans and give them the opportunity to support you. 

What should musicians stream?

Live performances are the most obvious and are usually a safe bet for a stream, but this is a great time to get creative and experiment with different formats or topics. There are so many interesting and fun ways to engage with your fans and make them excited to tune in.

image courtesy: bandzoogle

Songwriting sessions, home studio tours, masterclasses, Q&As — if you’re comfortable sharing it, give it a shot! You never know what might resonate with someone watching. You can even mix and match — maybe play a couple songs, and then pause to have a casual chat with the audience for a few minutes as you read through the comments section to shout people out and answer questions. 

🎨 5 Online Tools to Show Your Art in a Room!

posted August 19, 2020   category » Inspiration

Ready to increase your online art sales? Present your work beautifully by sharing the impact and scale of artwork with potential collectors through the use of in situ images.

Offering room views enhances the shopping experience, and increases customer confidence. Creating these images doesn’t require Photoshop or even a high level of technical ability. Check out the tools below and start showcasing your own art in virtual rooms!


This site offers a paid service that ranges from $11 – $59 per month, and serves a variety of clients, including artists, galleries and art consultants. Place your artwork in an uploaded image of a collector’s wall to give them a preview. Or, design and create an entire exhibition of work on a virtual gallery wall or exhibition booth.


This option is a smartphone app that superimposes your work on a selection of interiors. Room settings are updated frequently, and different colored walls are available. Select frames to suggest hanging options, and easily share your images. ArtRooms has a high customer satisfaction rating. Try it for the first month at $3.99, then pay a monthly fee of $7.99.

Artist Marion Griese shares her art in a room setting using the ArtRooms app

🍋 When Life Gives You Lemons...or, a Pandemic

posted August 6, 2020   category » Inspiration

Make lemonade or…

If you’re long-time member Bill Coleman, turn the World’s Biggest Bubble Toy into a Giant, Fun, Handwashing Station!

For over fifteen years, folks at festivals, fairs and special events from Anchorage to Las Vegas, Aberdeen to Austin have enjoyed the World's Biggest Bubble Toy®. It’s fourteen feet high and solar powered! 

“Really added to the party atmosphere!” --Arc Charities
“Absolutely fabulous!” --Beaux Art Festival
“The bubbles made people laugh 100 yards away!” --Dubuque County Fair

But, then Covid-19 hit. Bill says, “
When the pandemic started, I thought I should point out that the Bubble Tower fights the bug with a special blend of Dawn dish soap, is great fun and can deliver a safe hand washing message as well as give sponsor's an opportunity to ‘be the good guys’ in the fight to weather the pandemic storm.” 

Bill will be setting up four of his Giant, Fun, Handwashing Stations next month at Bennett Days in Colorado!

Keep spreading the smiles, suds and safety, Bill!