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General FAQs

In "Modify Profile," you can choose to opt in or remove yourself from the FestBiz Directory.

You edit your listing in 2 places: In "Account Details" which is linked on the right in your "My Account" area (this section controls which of your contact information is displayed in your listing) and in "Modify Profile" which manages your business information.

Tags: directory, festbiz, listing, profile

We are fully committed to the festival and event industry. All profiles and items on display in the community and marketplace must be relevant to the festival, craft show, art show and special events market. When you list products or services, they must make sense to our website and this market. We reserve the right to remove any content that doesn't jive with this mission.

Tags: account, community, mission, profiles, site

General FAQs, Member FAQs

An Electronic Press Kit, or "EPK" is a collection of materials used to promote your business, whether you are an artist, musician, craftperson, band, food vendor, other exhibitor or company. Your FestivalNet profile serves as your EPK. Complete your profile by adding bio, photos, music, videos, calendar and blog. The more complete your EPK, the more a promoter can conveniently learn all about you from one easy link.

In the Pro search full show details page, next to the promoter's email address you will notice this link, "Get Booked." Click there and select your choice under "Contact this event about applying" to generate an email from you to the event promoter with a link to your FN profile/EPK.

Use this link to quickly contact festivals you are interested in applying for. Before you use this tool, be sure your FestivalNet profile is complete. From the My Account area, you can modify your profile page (includes your bio), add photos, songs, videos, blog, and calendar.

This functionality needs to work with your default email program on your computer/browser, which you need to have set up first. You will have the chance to add more text to the email containing your EPK before sending the email.

Tags: booked, electronic, electronicpresskit, email, epk, gallery, images, kit, media, music, press, profile, promoter, promoters, send, sendepk, songs, video

Member FAQs

In Modify Profile, scroll down and check the option to "Make Profile Private" and click the 'no' box for "Festival Biz public search engine".

Click "Submit Changes" at the bottom of the page.

Tags: account, address, biz, fest, festbiz, festival, festivalbiz, privacy, private, profile, public

From your inbox, click the icon next to the user name and you will see their profile. You can also click to view their profile from within the message by clicking on the user name or icon above the message.

Tags: community, inbox, member, members, message, messages, profile, username

In the "Company Description" field of "Modify Profile", you can embed code (or a widget) to display in your profile. You can also do this in your blog. To do so, just click the html icon and paste the code.

Tags: blog, code, embed, html, profile, song, video, widget, youtube

If the song is an mp3 file (with compression set to 320 kbps max) it is not further compressed. For the best results, make an mp3 from the original, uncompressed recording. If your song file is in a format other than mp3 or exceeds 320 kbps as an mp3, it will be compressed and saved as an mp3. Pro members are allowed a little higher quality compression level.

Tags: audio, compression, file, mp3, music, song, specs, upload, uploading

In your Modify Profile area, you will need to select your Handmade Products designation. After speaking with promoters who allow different levels of handmade products at their events, we developed a percentage scale for you to best represent your items. Please be sure you represent your products correctly.

While commercial and retail items will always be welcome on FestivalNet, it's important not to classify your items as handmade if they are not.

If you've made any part of your product yourself, it is considered handmade. If you've purchased a product from another vendor with the intention of reselling it, it is not considered handmade, even if that person made the item themselves. Handmade items must be something that you made.

If you are not sure about your classification, we can not decide this percentage for you; speak to promoters who allow some percentage of handmade items for feedback.

Tags: commercial, designation, handcraft, handcrafted, handmade, handmadedesignation, items, modify, products, profile, resale, reseller, retail

Member FAQs, Festival/Promoters FAQs

My Account is your control center. Access all member features from your My Account area. From here you can modify your profile & account details, manage your e-lists and access Pro search to find events.

Your Profile is your business page on FestivalNet for others to learn about what you do! (Having a profile is optional, you can choose to not display yours and/or opt out of the directory in your 'Modify Profile' area.) Also termed "EPK" (Electronic Press Kit), your profile is where you talk about your business; your bio, member categories, medium/materials, profile picture, and more. From Modify Profile you can change this information that is displayed on your site.

Your Site is the combination of Your Profile, Blogs, Gallery, Calendar, & Video.

Account Details contains all information about your FestivalNet account, including name, address, phone, & contacts.

Go to "manage my subscription" to manage your pro membership renewal and pick a shop plan.

Manage your payment method here.

Tags: account, auto, autorenew, cancel, card, change, credit, email, EPK, manage, myaccount, payment, profile, renew, renewal, site, subscription, update

Go to "My Account" and select "Your Profile". Then from the drop down menu select "Modify Profile". Be sure to click Submit Changes at the bottom of the page once you've filled out your profile.

Tags: account, modify, profile

Uploaded photos must be a minimum of 320 pixels wide for a quality image display. Anything below this size will not be allowed.

Profile Picture

  • Select "Modify Profile" under the "Your Profile" tab in "My Account."
  • Scroll to the bottom and click "Upload or Choose Existing Image."
  • Click 'browse' in the pop up window, find the folder where the photo is stored.
  • Select the photo and click the "open" (the photo is now selected).
  • Click the "Save Changes" button.
To change your profile picture, click the "Change Image" link to the right of your photo in "modify profile".

Gallery Pictures
  • Select "Add Photo" under the "Gallery" tab in "My Account."
  • Click the "Upload or Choose Existing Image" button.
  • Enter the title of your photo (required).
  • Click 'browse' in the pop up window, find the folder where the photo is stored on your computer.
  • Select the photo and click the "open" (the photo is now selected).
  • Click the "Save Changes" button.

Photo Upload Specifications
  • We re-size your image on upload to maximum size of 750x550 pixels.
  • There is a disk space limit per level. You will be notified of this when you upload an image.
  • Acceptable formats are JPG, JPEG, PNG and GIF.

15 images are allowed @ Level 1, 30 @ Level 2, & 60 @ Level 3. Profile image does not count towards these. Image count is based on usage, even if it's the same image in multiple places of your profile.

Tags: gallery, image, images, media, photo, photograph, picture, pictures, profile, shop, upload