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General FAQs

FestivalNet is not affiliated with any festival we list on our site.

A membership to our website saves you time in your event research!

If you need additional info on event schedules, buying tickets, music lineup, how to be a vendor, when the parade starts, parking arrangements, or if your dog or cat can come, please contact the festival directly. You can look up their website or social media if you are not interested in our membership services.

You can become a free member of and get full show details on any eight events of your choice. To do that, go here.

Tags: admission, allowed, amusement, basic, bring, chairs, cost, date, dates, discount, dog, dogs, entry, festival, handicap, info, insurance, leash, mask, membership, parking, pet, pets, power, puppy, purchase, rain, rental, rides, scooter, senior, shine, show, shuttle, tickets, weather, wheelchair, wheelchairs

First of all, a Basic FestivalNet account is Free! You can access all events using our advanced search tools. While some event details are left out, it's a great starting point to learn where and when the shows are.

Our paid levels cover our team of researchers who, year round compile, update and expand our data, maintaining relevant and current info on thousands of events throughout North America. Nowhere else can you get the volume of information and extensive details we offer, along with organizational and productivity tools all in one place. Many of the details we provide are not even found on the event's web site! AND we offer world class customer service and tech support to all our customers from basic free accounts to the highest paid pro level, this all costs money.

Some people ask us: why pay for something I can get for free? Can't I just use google to get the info I need? You certainly could use other sources, including yourself, to track down festivals & discover some of the details you need, but you can not find all of what we offer and after a while you will soon see the value of our services! In business, time is money and FestivalNet is an investment in yourself and in your business. Save research hours, use our awesome 'one-click-connect' and our other excellent tools, and you will absolutely book your show calendar faster and better with FestivalNet than if you go at it alone.

Go here for membership info

Tags: contact, customer, customerservice, employ, festivalnet, free, info, membership, research, researchers, service, support, tech, techsupport

In "Modify Profile," you can choose to opt in or remove yourself from the FestBiz Directory.

You edit your listing in 2 places: In "Account Details" which is linked on the right in your "My Account" area (this section controls which of your contact information is displayed in your listing) and in "Modify Profile" which manages your business information.

Tags: directory, festbiz, listing, profile

General FAQs, Member FAQs

Getting into a show last minute is always a risky proposition. If you are able to get a space in a fair or festival at the last minute, that means they still have vendor spaces available. This could very likely mean it is not a good show because otherwise, all spaces would be booked well in advance (in some instances it could mean the event had a last minute cancellation, but that is not very common.)

We provide excellent data on 26,000+ events, but we have no control over the quality of each show, it is up to you to evaluate each event and determine if you think it will work for you (i.e. be a profitable show), before you commit your time and money.

Tags: booked, booking, bookings, event, festival, getting

In Pro Search, after the number of entertainment stages, you will see abbreviations of specific genres of entertainment that event is seeking.

Level of entertainment:
I = International, N = National, R = Regional, L = Local

Types of music:
AL = alternative
AM = americana
BC = beach
BG = bluegrass
BL = blues
CL = classical/symphony
CH = children's
CR = christian
CY = country
CZ = cajun/zydeco
EL = electronic
ET = ethnic
EX = experimental
FK = folk
FU = funk
GP = gospel
JM = jam
JZ = jazz
LN = latin
ME = metal
NA = new age
OP = opera
OT = old-time
RA = ragtime
RB = rhythm & blues/soul
RG = reggae
RK = rock
RO = rockabilly
RP = rap
RT = roots
SO = soul
SP = spoken Word
SW = swing
TC = dj/dance/techno
TF = top forty/pop
WL = world

Tags: abbreviation, codes, database, entertainment, event, festival, genre, genres, initials, key, listing, music, musician, performer, style, styles

To find events that allow commercial items, try ALL of these.

  • In "Pro Search" select "commercial/retail" for "what booths are allowed" in the Exhibitors section (but keep the default settings for all other options like "juried" or "entertainment." It is OK to add the zip code radius option.)
  • Next try "corp./information" for "what booths are allowed" and again keep the default settings for all other related options.
  • Then try "craft" for "what booths are allowed" and select "non juried" and keep all other default settings. These events will sometimes allow commercial vendors.
  • Also try selecting "non juried" while keeping the default settings for all other related options, including "no preference" for "what booths are allowed."
  • Try putting the word "commercial" in the key word search. Keep in mind, a key word search looks for that word if it appears anywhere in the event information (i.e. event name, location, description, what is allowed...).
It is always better to select FEWER search options to improve your search results.

Don't rule out an event unless it is clearly 100% juried and/or 100% fine art and/or fine craft, check with each event to know for sure. Many events say art/craft, but allow some "commercial" items. Always check with an event to verify what they DO or DO NOT allow. It never hurts to ask!

Tags: commercial, event, festival, items, listing, products, resale, resaler, resell, reseller, retail, retailer

Below are things to consider and suggestions to improve your success rate getting replies and/or applications from events:

* Are you contacting the right events for your product/service? Our Pro Search can help you with that. For example, selecting categories from the "Allowed" drop down in the "Exhibitors" box will find events that allow what you do. For more search tips, there's a help link in the top left corner of Pro Search

* Be sure the deadline date has not passed. Contact each event well in advance of their application deadline, otherwise emails & calls will not likely be returned. Use our handy "Deadline Reminder Newsletter" and the "Deadlines" option in Pro search to get ahead of the game.

* Important note about deadlines. It doesn't mean applications will be accepted up until that date. Festivals will frequently fill all open slots before their posted deadline. That's due to no fault of your information source, it's simply the way the business works.

* Check out each event's website for additional application info and specific instructions for successful application acceptance. Always follow each event's requirements exactly as indicated.

* Follow up your initial communication with a phone call. It's important to show continued interest, but be careful not to over do it. Space your follow up calls/messages a week apart. Always call *far before the deadline* to learn what your first step must be with each event.

* Be sure your FN Profile is filled out completely, including clear photos, full company description and is free of spelling errors. Once it is, try using the Get Booked button in the full event details page.

In addition to your FN profile, what's the state of your web presence and marketing materials? If you contact an event and they look you up at FestivalNet or do a web search on you and/or your company, what will they find? Will they find anything? Or perhaps find some half baked profiles on different web sites without great looking photos or informative & effective information? If you don't present yourself professionally anywhere people will find you and/or your business, then why would an event take you seriously and want to answer your emails or call you back?! Remember, you ALWAYS only get one chance to make a first impression!

If you get any returned (undeliverable) emails or discover a disconnected phone number, please let us know asap. Contact and we will gladly research that for you. We work very hard to provide accurate event data but sometimes contact info will change.

Tags: contact, email, festival, no, pro, prosearch, replies, Reply, response, search, support, tips

General FAQs, Member FAQs, Festival/Promoters FAQs

Please visit this page to read about our privacy policy.

We do not sell, share or give away your information, ever.

You can subscribe and unsubscribe from our Newsletters or other FestivalNet communications by clicking "Manage Your E-lists" in your My Account area.

The Festival Biz Directory is opt-in only. You can choose to list your business in the Directory in your Modify Profile page.

Tags: biz, fest, policy, privacy

Member FAQs

You must have an account on our website to rate shows and/or promoters. If you are not a FN Member, you may become a basic member for free and then rate shows. Click the join link at the top of our site. Basic members may rate shows however to view individual ratings and comments, you must have a Pro account.

If you have an account, make sure you are logged in and from the tabs at the top, select "Events" and "Pro Search". Or from My Account, click "Find Events". Submit your search and in the results you will see ratings in the upper right corner of each event, along with links to add ratings. To find a specific show, use the "Key Word" field in the bottom left corner of Pro Search.

You will need to read and agree to the Rating Guidelines, available in the ratings form, to submit a rating. Click here to view our rating guidelines.

Also, check out this Rate Events page for events that have happened recently! You can sort by month and state to easily locate events and click directly to the rating form. Tip! Bookmark that page for easy access later!

Tags: database, event, festival, guidelines, listing, member, promoter, prosearch, rate, rating, search, show, shows

In Modify Profile, scroll down and check the option to "Make Profile Private" and click the 'no' box for "Festival Biz public search engine".

Click "Submit Changes" at the bottom of the page.

Tags: account, address, biz, fest, festbiz, festival, festivalbiz, privacy, private, profile, public

This is either the date all bookings will be done or the deadline to receive applications (if they use an application process). In either case, contact the event well in advance (4-6 months) of the posted deadline. If a festival is all booked up before their posted deadline, that is the nature of the business.

Tags: application, booking, deadline, festival, musician, performer

If a promoter has not entered deadlines into their event details, we will display "until full" as the default. Get in touch with the event directly to see if they've filled up.

Tags: application, booked, booking, deadline, deadlines, details, event, festival, full, promoter

Festival/Promoters FAQs

Log in and go to "My Account" On the right of your account area, click the link "Pro View of My Events." If your show has ratings, you will see yellow stars in the top right hand corner of your event. Click on the stars to view your ratings. If the stars are greyed out, that means there are no ratings.

Encourage your happy exhibitors and vendors to rate your shows! We provide you with tips on doing this at the bottom of this page:

Promoters are allowed the option to add one response per event or promoter rating. FestivalNet will not be put in the middle of any disputes between members.

Tags: events, exhibitor, feedback, festivals, promoter, rated, rating, ratings, shows, vendor

We are more than happy to post your event on our website as long as it offers opportunities for either exhibitors, vendors or musicians. It is free to list your event and simply requires a free membership to do so.

If you do NOT have a membership please use the link and instructions below.

To add your event(s) to the FestivalNet database, go here.

* Complete the form which will create your user ID and password.
* Then log in with your new user ID and password.
* Click on "Manage My Events"
* Click on "Add Event".

If you DO have an account please follow the instructions below.

Log in at the top of the website or click 'my account' at the top of the page.

* Click on "Manage My Events"
* Click on "Add Event"

Tags: add, art, craft, event, fair, fairs, festival, festivals, list, music, show, shows